Chapter 1 :

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"Ryan! Ryan!"
     I am trying to wake him up. My best friend is sleeping on his stomach, his arms and legs spread on the bed. He definitely looks like a starfish. He moans and lifts his head from the pillow, a trickle of saliva on his chin. He looks around like a lost puppy and when he sees me, throws the coverage over himself, covering his head.
- You better get your skinny ass off that bed right now Ryan.
- Ugh, f*ck off...
- If you don't you'll regret bro.
- Dude, just... Let me sleep okay? I'm tired.
- I don't freaking care, I just want you to get up.
- No.
I sigh and look around. It's always a battle to wake him up on mornings, also I have prepared a strategy.
My name is Cameron Blake, and I am the best friend of the laziest sleepiest most talkative guy on our earth, aka Ryan. I take the glass of water I put on the table yesterday, when I knew he wouldn't wake up, and hold the coverage. I count to three for myself, throw the coverage away and pour the water to his face and his torso. He jumps out of bed, water being quite cold, an expression of pure surprise on his face.
- Wow! Dude really?
- Wake up sunshine. The sky is blue and waves are PERFECT, I answer smiling.
He rolls his eyes and smirks.
- You're getting on my nerves you know.
- Course I know. That's the whole point of the process.
He shakes his head and grab his grey T-shirt before we walk down the stairs. He has a brown skin because of his Algerian origins. My brown skin is due to the fact that we live in Australia so the sun's pretty much always hitting hard. We get to the kitchen where my mother's sitting in front of a magazine, eating some cheese as usual.
- Hi boys.
- Hi June.
- Hi mom.
I lean forward to kiss her cheek but she pushes me away.
- You smell BAD Cameron. Ever heard about showers?
I shrug and get two bowls as Ryan opens the fridge. The kitchen's white and clear blue and the sun makes it look huge and beautiful. I like our house, huge and beautiful, just as the kitchen. As my mother and my father are rich, we can afford such a big house that close to the sea. Ryan gets all excited when he discovers the cereals he loves, and pours the milk in the bowl before sitting next to me. I sit down next to him, eating some bread. I think about the surf session we're about to have. Good wind, nice waves. I think it's gonna be good. My twin sister Zoë comes in after a few minutes, her hair tied in a messy bun and wearing a huge T-shirt, followed by my big brother Joe. I look at them as they get in the house arguing as usual.
- It's not that much of a big deal Joe!
- You could've asked. Now I can't wear it today!
- Please, no screaming in the morning guys! Says my mother, obviously pissed off.
- What's the matter anyway? It's not like you would've washed it before...
- You can't wear my clothes as you wish.
- Well, I am sorry. Is that okay with you big boy?
I notice that Zoë's wearing a Quicksilver T-shirt way too large for her, and recognize Joe's favorite tee. That's why they're arguing then. Zoë sits down next to Ryan who's trying to complete the games on the box of cereals and serves herself with some milk and chocolate.
- Hello Zoe. What a nice day don't you think? says Ryan without rising his head up. He looks like a five year old focusing on a really hard mathematic test involving two calculations.
- Yep. Are you surfing today?
- Yeah, wanna come? I ask.
- Not this morning.
- Why is that? The weather's great and everybody will be there, questions Joe.
- She's in detention, says my mother.
- Such a thug, I conclude.
- I'll come after guys.
As saying so, she gets up and grabs her bags then opens the door. Joe argues saying she shouldn't leave with her shirt but she gives him a huge smile and he just rolls his eyes, smiling.
We get up also, and go to the garage. It's full of boards, paddles, nets wetsuits and stuff. I grab my board, a white one with stickers and colored squares on the tail, and my dark green wetsuit and put them outside. I get a backpack and stuff my wax, water and money in it, then my wetsuit. I then wait for Ryan, looking at the sea only one kilometer away. We leave. It's 9:30. We walk down the street to the sea. He looks at his watch :
- Hurry, we're late, he says.
- I am not the one who was sleeping like a baby few minutes ago.
- Not my fault if you never sleep Cameron.
I roll my eyes as we start running toward the beach. When we reach it, I take off my shoes and walk to the little wooden house on the side of the beach. A huge amount of boards are stuffed in it. Liam, my teacher, is chatting with Sarah, my best friend. She not surfing but she practices jujitsu a lot, and she's quite good at it. Like she holds a record and stuff. She sometimes come to watch us surf, but she's scared of the sea. She wouldn't tell me why. She has clear brown hair, dark eyes and tanned skin.
- Hey guys! she says.
- You two dickheads are late, says Liam. Go take off your clothes, and run to the Pick, I want you to be back in... Five minutes.
We just nod, throw our stuff in the house and run quickly toward the huge cliff almost one kilometer farther. We run fast, and I feel the hot sand on my feet burning. I'm used to it though. I end up there, short of breath. We run back the the wooden house, about six or seven minutes later. I see Mathis, Tyler and Malia doing push ups on the sand, feet in the water. Above them, Liam's telling them to hurry up. We get down next to them and start following them.
- As Ryan AND Cameron are late, we are doing ten more push ups.
Nobody replies, but we know they're pissed off. As they get up, Liam tells us to keep the speed for another twenty push-ups as the others stretch. As my view is blurred by the effort, I reach twenty and sit, short of breath. Malia hands me water :
- Late as usual, she says.
- Yes...
I take the water and after drinking two long sip, I give it to Ryan.
- He'll kill us someday bro...

So here you go, hope you liked this chapter. You may have been disturbed by the switch of the point of view. Tell me what you think, comment and enjoy!

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