Chapter 2 - The Fateful Reunion

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As the convoy proceeds to the palace, the surrounding sure is quiet since its night time. The two moons hanging above the sky shines brightly, especially the bigger one.

Rhum, on the other hand wonders why the girl from the mystic moon returned to Gaea. He’s thinking that something bad might happen again, like another war.

Upon arriving to the city of Fanelia, Hitomi remembered how she first saw the country and how it fell down to ashes and ruins because of Zaibach’s attack. And now, it’s back to its old glory and power – with their King. Before she left Fanelia years ago, Van was trying to build back his country, with the help of Merle, his countrymen and other countries like Asturia and Freid.

Hitomi asked Rhum to stop the convoy and that she can take care of herself to that point.

I insist on escorting you to the King, Hitomi. Rhum said, with authority on his voice. Hitomi sighed in agreement. And so, the convoy continued its way to the palace.

The gate to the palace is closed since its night time, but since Rhum is known by the guards to be a good friend of the King, they opened the gates for him.

Is the King asleep already? Rhum asked the head guard.

I think so, Rhum. Should we go and inform him that you are here? Is it urgent? The head guard replied.

There’s no need. I’m just here to escort a very special guest of the King. Will you accompany her to the room where she can take a rest?

Of course. Does the King knows and expects her arrival Rhum?

I don’t think so. Might as well inform Merle first before telling the King. I know she’ll be happy to see her and so is the King himself.

Alright, The head guard said. Alert the head handmaiden to prepare a room for our King’s guest! He added.

Right away sir! A guard saluted and run off to the palace immediately.

I’ll leave her to you, Krasen. I’ll be going back to the forest now. It’s getting very late. Said Rhum as he mount the elephant used for the convoy. See you, Hitomi! He waved his hand for farewell.

Thanks Rhum! Hitomi shouted back to him.

As she watched Rhum disappear from the palace’s main gate, she heard Krasen say Let’s get going Lady Hitomi, so that you can rest for the night.

Oh...Okay she replied.

Say...Lady Hitomi? Krasen started.


You see, I was wondering why your clothes are different from ours. You’re from a different country I believe so? He asked.

Yes. Well you can’t call that a country you see. I came from the Earth, rather the Mystic Moon. Answered Hitomi.

What?!  Krasen froze in his tracks as he heard what Hitomi said. You’re kidding right? He added.

Do I look like one? She smiled while looking at Krasen’s shocked face. Well, honestly. I really came from the Mystic Moon. You can ask Merle and Van, she paused seeing how the head guard’s eyes widen when she mention the King’s name I mean the King for you to believe.

Hitomi laughed. It’s alright Krasen. You don’t have to believe me.

Okay… I should accompany you to your room, I suppose.

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