Its just the begining

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It was a normal day for Todd, he finished his duties on the hive and returned to his room. His worshiper was tidying his room when he came in, he glanced over to make sure she was doing it the way he told her to. He shrugged his large leather overcoat off and tossed it to the ground. So mush for a clean room. He walked over to his bed and sat down, taking his boots off he watched his worshiper pick up is coat and stand on her tippy toes to hang it up. Todd was so much taller than her, he was like an unbreakable tower, everything he did was done without question His movements perfection. The worshiper walked over to her bed in the corner, it was pushed up against the wall so it was fairly colder than Todd's bed which was pushed away from the wall as he ordered which was odd for a wraith they liked things cold. But she never questioned him she feared being fed on she never talked to him ever. Todd did all of the talking it was more like demands but she still did what she was told " Human " his deep voice filled the room as she looked up from her hands " yes commander ? " she asked acknowledging him tho her voice was shaken what is your name ?"  he asked laying back on his bed looking up at the ceiling she was silent for several moments, but Todd waited patiently, again odd for a wraith It had been a while since anyone asked for her , she had almost forgotten it. She was use to just being called human. " M.... My name is Teria..... " she stuttered. There was a long pause form todd, almost to long '' Teria... " he repeated, another long pause.

Panic slowly creeped into the womens chest.She had no idea why he wanted to know her name, one thing she did know was that she needed to calm down. Maybe wraith could smell fear? her heart rate was up significantly, she was afraid. But who wouldn't be in a situation such as Terias? " Why do you fear me? " Todds voice filled the room again. Teria rubbed her hands on the front of her pants, just below her knees, " i-i don't really know. " she answered. She had never really given it any thought. It was what she was taught from a very young age. Fear the wraith for they will show you no mercy. She felt like she was going to explode, scream, cry, anything to make herself feel better.. Because todds pause sent waves of terror through her. Todd let out a sigh and sat up, Teria jumped to her feet in case he wanted something. She felt like she was walking on thin ice, had she done something wrong?

Was this her punishment in some sick and twisted way?  " do what you wish human.... I must go to the main deck.... " todd said walking over to grab his large leather overcoat from the hanger and walked out. Teria let out a breath of relif and sat back on her own bed. Why did he even ask those questions anyways? It had her so worried, her hart nearly jumped out of her throat. She layed back down on her bed and tried to sleep. But how could she? Her hed was spinning with so many questions, questions that she was afraid of the answers. Teria hated herself, she was never so afraid, she was a warrior years ago. Fighting for her people, it was like she had just given up on her old life. She wanted to stick her feet in the water again, go swimming, feel the warm sun on her face. Her skin now was no longer tan, more like a pale color and her hair had grown extremely long. She hadn't cut it since she arrived, Teria would have to cut it sooner or later. Soon Teria drifted off to sleep, she didn't bother taking her shoes off like she should have.

Todd had come back hours later. H always found himself glancing in Terias direction, there was something about her that interested him,more than it should really. Thats why he chose her out of the line up, Teria was one of the lucky ones. Todd wasn't really forceful, as long as she stayed out of his way and did what she was tol, she would be fine, He knew he gave her a huge scare today by asking her fr her name. Todd had planned on trying to talk to her, but he would have to do it in a way so that sooner or later they could have a conversation without Teria feeling like she was walking on thin ice. Todd dropped his overcoat to the ground and walked over to Teria, who was in fact still sleeping. He studied her face for a few moments before noticing that she had forgotten to take off her shoes. It wouldn't hurt to take them off for her would it? Todd didn't know what compelled him to do so, but he did it without questioning himself. She was so different from his kind. Her eyes where a dark deep blue, Like the sea. Her hair was a chestnut brown color, and she was about medium height for a human female, five six maybe an inch or two shorter than that. Todd knew nothing about her, absolutely nothing. Todd sighed and walked back to his bed and sat down, taking his own boots off he swung his legs onto his bed and layed back. Letting out another deep breath as he soon fell asleep as well.

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