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Roman's p.o.v.

We've been practicing months for this recital, way before Trevor came along. It's been hard, but it'll all pay off when one of us gets recognized. I never really thought I was a great dancer even though everyone's said I was, I just never really thought highly of myself.

This is the last practice before the recital. The routines we're doing are pretty complex, but I feel like we've got it down. The theatre we're performing at is a different story, though.

Once I'm done with practice, I decide to go to Le Café for a coffee. Once I get a coffee, I keep walking to my apartment. Once I get there, I throw my stuff on the floor and flop on the couch.

Almost asleep, I hear a knock on the door. Yawning, I get up, hoping whoever's there would leave. I open the door to Trevor holding a bouquet of flowers.

"What's up with the flowers?" I ask acting dumb, that's how it goes in the movies, right?

"They're for you, I usually don't get girls flowers, but I decided to get them this time; for you." He says, looking into my eyes.

"But really, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date." He says nervously. I don't get why he's so nervous, I'm just an ordinary girl.

"Sure, What time though?" I ask.

"This Saturday at eight?"

My happy expression drops. My recital is this Saturday, I don't want to blow him off.

"I have my recital this Saturday, I'm sorry." I say, disappointed.

"Well maybe the whole band can come and watch." He exclaims excitedly. I nod confirming that it's good.

"See you then," he says, smiling crazily.

"See you then, idiot." I say laughing. He looks back and shakes his head, smiling. I close my door and look for a vase to put the flowers in. Once I find one, I fill it up with water and put the flowers in it.

I flop on the couch, drifting asleep.

Trevor's p.o.v

I walk in the house, and everyone's staring.

"So? How did it go?" Matt asks, anxiously waiting for an answer. I stand still for a second, staring at him.
"She said yes." I say, standing there; realizing what I just said.

"HOLY SHIT SHE SAID YES!" I said. They looked at me like I was crazy, but then they all started screaming for some reason.

"But we're also going to her recital on Saturday, so be ready."

They all nodded in agreement, and I smiled, thinking about Saturday.

Calla Lilies // A Trevor Wentworth Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now