za: no one asked you

kendall: then why did you add me

ryan: why is kendall here

avery: ugh

audrey: so, how about the weather

justin: pretty shady out

audrey: nice weather for some tea, don't you think

justin: tru

avery: couple goals aiywbsisy ^^^

kendall: even though that's toward me that's still funny

maejor: we are couple goals fym

khalil: i heard avery and audrey talkin bout yall sex life 💀

khalil: "maejor wants our first to be special" "fuck him in his sleep like i did to justin" "no you horny piece of ass"

ryan: you fucked justin in his sleep

audrey: multiple times

za: what if he had a stroke or something in his sleep

justin: can we not

kendall: am i wanted or just here to get made fun of

ryan: let's add no lips

justin: don't you dare

audrey added hailey to the conversation.

khalil: what the fuck

justin: why


hailey: we know

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hailey: we know


maejor: now we gotta add kylie back

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maejor: now we gotta add kylie back

ryan added kylie to the conversation.

hailey: did yall add us to harass us or

audrey: we bored

khalil: we don't wanna hear about audrey and justin fucking so we added yall

kylie: we don't wanna know about that shit either

za: it's so hard to keep from saying rude stuff

kendall: it's a free country

hailey: ^ say whatever you'd like, za

za: naaahahahaha audreeyyyyy

audrey: waddup fam

justin: both of you should shut up

audrey: put your dick in an ant hole rizzletin

kendall: rizzletin?

kylie: what

hailey: fucking weirdos


khalil: *whispers* ryan pass the popcorn

ryan: 🍿

avery: wishaoeisu stooop 😂

ryan: remember when avery kendall audrey and hailey fought

khalil: *video attachment*


kylie: that's so old now leave it alone ffs

kendall: shut up kylie

kendall: i admit i was wrong for even getting into that because it had nothing to do with me ok

justin: apology accepted

maejor: if young metro don't trust you im gon shoot ya


za: young metro don't trust yall bye

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za: young metro don't trust yall bye

kylie left the conversation.
hailey left the conversation.

kendall: fr when yall realize im serious hmu

kendall left the conversation.

avery: dumb bitch

khalil: wifey said yall are crazy problematic but she likes it

audrey: add her !!!

audrey: add latavia za

za: new phone who dis

audrey: your baby momma

justin: ha that's funny

maejor: stfu "apology accepted" ass nigga

audrey: ily rizzletin but 😂💀💀💀💀💀

za: imagine audrey being a baby momma

justin: let's not

avery: imagine her and justins kids awww odisjside 😍

ryan: those kids would be the devil

za: flamin people at age three 😂

audrey: @ justin impregnate me

maejor: oh

justin: *leaves*

za removed justin from the conversation.


khalil added justin to the conversation.

khalil: 😂 damn

justin: fight me za

za: eat my dick


OKAY ....

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