Chapter Four

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Back In The Room Part One

"Are you alright Oliver?" Matt asked me quietly.
I yelled at him,"apart from being tied up to this chair against my own will I'm absolutely spiffing" Suddenly, I heard a loud thumping sound, as if an elephant was excelling up the flight of stars to the attic, it was Alisa.

From the bottom of her lungs, she screamed at us, "what on earth is going on up here and why is Oliver tied up? Better yet why are my fiancès photos all over the walls?"
I then spoke to her and said "I have no idea Alisa,why don't you ask those three". Alisa turned to them and said "well?". Strangely, they all blamed Trevor. Conveniently, Trevor was ascending up the stairs at that exact moment in time, next I heard a faint voice echoing up the stairs "I was wondering if you could tell me what I'm being accused of". Trevor is excessively flamboyant and very homosexual with sky blue eyes, "perfect" brown hair with blonde highlights and a six pack that you could use as a xylophone. I don't think there is a single person that doesn't know about him also he will stand up for equal rights no matter what, he doesn't let peoples biased opinions bring him down, he will always find the bright side of a situation and ensure that everyone knows that the bright side exists. Finally,he loathes bullies and insists they are people who are afraid of their own insecurities so they bully others to make themselves feel better. Anyway, back to the story. Once Trevor reached the top step he asked Alisa why she was shouting, then looked at the walls and realised why she was so furious. Then he spoke again "Is that photos of your fiancè Alisa?"
"Yes Trevor" she replied
"Oh Trevor" muttered
"And why is Oliver tied up Phil?" Trevor asked
Phil then replied "ha, well it's a funny story we were at a club last night and we were all off our heads, obviously Oliver wasn't so Carmichael knocked him out and we bought him here and tied him up"
"Why" I yelled at him
"For Trevor" Matt explained
Trevor yelled at the top of his voice "excuse me?"

All three of them said "he is clearly gay"
I thought to myself wait what? They just said I'm gay, I'm as heterosexual as them unless they aren't heterosexual of course. Slowly, Trevor walked over to me and looked me deep in the eyes, it was as if he was staring into my soul, it made me shiver.

I then had a chance to speak, I screamed at them, "I'm not gay you complete imbeciles, now untie me."
But instead of them untieing me they all stood still, and Trevor spoke once more, "stop don't do anything just yet, I will be the judge of this" Then he continued on staring into my soul.
"Trevor take my word for it I'm no ga" he placed a finger in front of my lips to silence me and said "shhhhh Oliver"...

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