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The party was about to start.

Everyone chose a place to hide, and waited for the door to open wide.

"Surprise!" Shock was casted upon Shelby's and she beamed widely.

"Oh, you shouldn't have!" She screamed, and jumped onto her friends gleefully. It was her Seventeenth birthday, and she thought nobody would remember. But, her friends did, and that made her the happiest she could be.

"So," her friend Caelan started to speak.
"Why don't you open your presents?" Caelan handed Shelby a nearly wrapped white and blue box, with a polka-dotted tie on the top.

Everyone sat on the ground as Shelby tore through all of the presents given to her, and by the time she was done, she was exhausted.

"Hmm... Maybe we should play a game?" One of the boys, Jameson, spoke up.

Shelby pondered for a moment, and initially agreed to the idea, which sounded quite enjoyable in her case. The group decided to play truth or dare, and Shelby, of course, got to pick first.

"Hmm..." Shelby muttered, and scanned her eyes across the people in front of her. "Zac, truth or dare?"

"Truth!" Zac stated, and Caelan snorted a laugh.

"Pussy..." She muttered, and Zac glared furiously at her.

"S-shutup!" He stammered, and Caelan smirked evily, making Zac shudder in discomfort.

Shelby sighed in annoyance, and told Caelan to be quiet while she contemplated what to ask Zac.

"Zac," she started. "Have you ever eaten shit?" Shelby asked, making everyone around her give a little giggle.

Zac stared into empty space for a while, and finally decided to answer. And which to everyone's disappointment, the answer was no.

"Ok," Zac said. "Uh... Reagan! Truth or dare, Reagan." Reagan thought for a while. Not wanting to be shamed by her friends, Reagan picked dare.

Zac looked at Reagan and said, "I dare you to lick Everett's foot." Everyone shuttered, including Reagan. Caelan just snorted and pushed Reagan towards Everett's strangely calm demeanor.

Reagan stuck her tongue out, and quickly licked the middle of Everett's foot.
An uncomfortable silence filled the air, and everyone stayed still.

"Ugh... This is boooring." Caelan groaned out, and everyone silently agreed.

"I have an idea!" Caelan jumped off the floor, and ran to the light switch so she could turn the lights off.

Everything went black, and Caelan pulled out her cell phone flashlight, shining onto the group like millions of fireflies.

"I have a scary story," Caelan stated, and everyone listened close.
"Deep in the woods, behind this very house, lies an old cottage that's falling apart. Some say that the cottage is haunted, or people lure you in there just to kill you," Jameson laughed, and Caelan paused her story for a second.

"I'm sorry for interrupting, but do you really think that old legend is true? It's just something said to scare away the kids, no big deal." Jameson sat back, and Caelan's face fumed with anger.

"Some say whoever ventures there never return..." Caelan finished, and turned to Jameson and glared at him.

"I know for a fact it's real," Caelan started.
"I've seen it before. Of course, I never went inside or anything, b-but I did see it!" Jameson laughed at Caelan's stammers and Caelan jumped back up again and groaned.

"Fine! If you don't believe me, then I'm just gonna have to show you!" The others looked at each other uneasily, and watched Caelan and Jameson stomp out of the house angrily.

The six of them walked through the woods, with Caelan leading the way. It was almost pitch black out when Caelan reached a big, but falling apart, cabin looking house. Caelan yelled at Jameson, for giving false hope. And Jameson ignored her, still shocked at the fact that the house was here.

"Ok, so if the legend is real, then why don't we go inside and figure out?" Said Everett, who surprisingly spoke up out of all the commotion. Everett didn't really believe in this sort of thing, so it's likely that he would push people into proving it.

Shelby and Reagan shuddered, but Caelan fist pumped the air in excitement.
"Great idea," she said. "We should go investigate! How's that sound everyone?"

Jameson and Reagan groaned, but agreed. Shelby and Everett didn't care, but went along with it. And Zac, who was trying to see if he was able to get service, was dragged inside anyway. Reagan didn't like the sound of this, she knew something was up.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2016 ⏰

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