Chapter 8

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Jays POV
We head in to Chicago med. "Will how is she" I ask my brother. "Good, still unconscious but good. Have you contacted one of her next of kin Leroy Gethro Gibbs, Anthony DiNozzo or one Tim McGee." Will asks looking up from his paperwork. "Agent Gibbs NCIS" Agent Gibbs says "so yes" "what room" "428" "thanks Will" I say heading down the hallway.  " you sure know your way around this hospital" Tony says "that Doctor we were just talking to, he's my brother" I say as we enter Bishops room. "She's still unconscious" Erin says. "We're going to head back to the prescient to do the paperwork" Erin says leaving with Atwater Antonio and the others leaving me and the people from NCIS in her hospital room. "She had me track a black Van for a kidnapping case you guys were working is that what got her shot" McGee asks "she" I say as her monitor starts beeping. I press the code blue button on the wall "someone start heart compressions" I yell as I run out of the room to the nurses station "where's doctor Halstead" I ask "sir he's in surgery" " then get Dr.Rhodes to Detective Bishops room" I say running back to her room. A minute later nurses are rushing in and take over heart compressions as Gibbs steps back. "Give us space please" a nurse yells as we all exit her room. "If she dies its on me. She was where she was standing because she was covering me. I was more concerned about my friends kidnapped daughter, than having one of my partners back." I say tears coming to my eyes. "Well is this kid ok" Agent Gibbs asks "She's here at Med being treated for her injuries, from what I've heard she'll live" I say "Well let's go see her" Gibbs says. "Her Dad and I served together,served in the 3rd Battalion 75th Ranger Regiment in Afghanistan. Her name is Riley Taylor her fathers name is Owen Taylor, and her mothers name is Grace." I say "Jay the Taylor's would like to see you" a nurse says "thanks be right there, you coming" I say to the NCIS's who follow me down the hallway. "Knock knock" I say knocking on the door as I go in. "Well look at you" Grace says giving me a hug "it's been to long" I say hugging Owen. "He's like a brother" Owen says introducing himself to the NCIS's, Just as my phone rings. "Bishops fine she's going to be unconscious for another hour or so and closely monitored for longer" Will says as I hang up the phone. "Uncle Jay will that lady shot trying to save me be ok" Riley asks as I put my phone back into my pocket. "That was Will, he said she will be fine" I say. "Hey it's late we're going to go to a hotel" Gibbs says as they leave the room. "Ok see you tomorrow" I respond turning my attention to Riley. "Riley can you tell me what happened." I ask

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