Chapter Two: Adaline

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My cabin was quite smaller than the one back at the palace, not that I minded much. I could probably fit a few extra families in both rooms. As soon as you walked in, you could see a set of stairs to your left that led up to a giant loft. In the loft, there was a huge king-sized bed, dressers, a private bathroom, a closet with a dressing area, and glass windows that were digitally enhanced to change scenery or shade from the incoming sun. The bottom floor was the typical living quarters. There was a small living room with a couch, loveseat, and television that sat in front of huge glass windows to show the view of the ocean. Of course, there was also the same technology as on the loft, but this one came with curtains as well. The kitchen had just a microwave, refrigerator, sink, and cabinets, all which were fully stocked. This was connected to the living room by a bar made of black granite and had four chairs. The bathroom for the bottom level was connected to the bottom floor and was not nearly as exquisite as the master bathroom. To top it all of, there was a grand piano off to the side and a hot tub on the huge balcony.

Alaina entered my room and fell on the couch, making herself right at home. "Wow, of course, you would get the best room on the entire ship. Mine doesn't have anywhere close to this view or the loft you have. Leave it to Astor and Alessandra to play favorites."

"If you want this room, I will trade with you. I don't need all of this space anyway. Mom and dad just gave me this room in hopes that it will make me feel more like a future queen and less like a disabled individual." I explained, moving a few things to better locations.

One of the perks of having supportive sisters is they wait until you are looking at them before they begin to talk. "I heard Mom call you her 'special' child. That's so ridiculous. She thinks just because you are deaf and have cochlear implants that you have to be stupid or something. You are the most intelligent and strongest person I know. I know you will make a great queen, regardless of what Mom says. Besides, I get to stay off the hook from royal duties as long as you are queen."

"You can have as much fun with Javier as you want while I have meetings to attend every day. The good news is most of my days are pretty free. Dad thinks he should do most of the work for this alliance." I replied, finally sitting next to her.

Alaina laughed. "That's his way of saying most of these countries think girls are stupid and can't do anything without men, so I think it is best if I show my male dominance over my country. I think Javier will be a good match for me too. He seems like a fun, carefree guy who knows how to impress while still being happy."

"If we are being honest, you are happy and have fun, but Mom and Dad are not usually impressed with you," I teased.

She shot me a look of disapproval. "It is not like their opinion matters much to me. I am not the next queen of Havendell. Mom's job is to make sure I don't make you or the family look bad in the media. She thinks all of my relationships were just hookups though. You know they weren't. If I was trying to hook up with guy, I would make sure that didn't end up in a magazine. Not for Mom's sake but for yours. People might think you could have inherited those genes too. I like to party and have fun, but I don't have sex with any guy with a pulse."

"At least you have more options than me. Most guys I am set up with are boring or controlling or snobby. I just want to meet one guy who isn't afraid to walk outside the palace walls and smell the salt from the ocean or feel the grass under their bare feet or taste the wild berries in the rainforest." I knew my dream guy existed somewhere, but the problem was my mother most definitely would not approve of him. As the future queen of Havendell, I was to find a husband who would provide support, some guidance, and help to produce a future heir to throne.

"What about Al-? He is so cute and funny and strong. Have you ever seen him shoot a bow and arrow? Every girl would fall in love with him if they say that." Alaina wiggled her eyebrows like she approved tremendously.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2016 ⏰

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