" Are you sure Alex?" She asked and I nodded my head, though they couldn't see, and sent a message saying 'yes'.

" Alex is here!? Where!?" Danny said getting up and Taylor pulled him down to the floor. Taylor kept looking down and Danny then looked at her funny. "Taylor?" Danny said touching her shoulder and she wiped her eyes. Aw, I didn't mean to make her cry.

" Alex.....he's not who you think he is." Taylor said her voice quiet. Danny then rolled his eyes.

" He is so a stalker, and what else is he? A person who's goes to jail all the time." Danny said and I looked at him. Is that who he thinks I am, a jailer? He really thinks that low of me, hello I've be watching over her for almost ten years now, and how the heck can I go to jail? No on can see me, except Damien. Who should be in jail, and not a normal one.

"NO YOU MORON!" She then yelled at him and he jumped at her anger. " He's a-" She then mumbled the last part so quietly I couldn't even hear it.

" What?" Danny said and Taylor looked up at him.

" Alex, he's not human......he's a ghost." She said and Danny looked at her weird and the bursted out laughing. Hello, how many times to I have to tell her I'M NOT A GHOST!? Like really, I inform her every day.

" No really who is he?" He asked and Taylor grabbed her phone and showed him the last message I sent her.

" Alex send Danny a message." She said out load and I shrugged my shoulders and sent them a message. Her phone went off and Danny read it.

" Hi Danny, I'm Alex and once your done reading this message I'm going to touch your shoulder." He said and I went over to him and placed my hand on his shoulder and he stood up quickly and turned around, but he couldn't see me. "Taylor, how long?" He then turned to Taylor.

" Almost ten years." She mumbled and Danny looked shocked and angered. I went over to her and wrapped my arms around her gently and had my chin on her shoulder. She shuddered and crossed her arms. " Alex." She said and I sighed and unwrapped my arms.

" Wait ten year?! Ever since you were five!" Danny yelled and Taylor nodded her head. "Alex where are you?" Danny said and I sent a message to Taylor's phone.

" He's next to me on my left." Taylor said looking at her phone and Danny looked over at me, but not ready straight in the eye.

" You have explaining to do." He said seriously and I rolled my eyes.

" He can't, well he won't explain anything really." Taylor mumbled and Danny's hands went into fists.

" Then how do you know how old he is! He can be sixty for all we know!" Danny yelled and I sighed and sent Taylor a message. I think it's time for them to know my real age because I'm NOT SIXTY. Her phone went off and she read the message,

" Alex is 15 and he said that's all I'm saying." Taylor said surprised at my age. Yay so I'm young not some old guy.

" So mom and dad don't know about this?" Danny then asked a minute and Taylor shook her head.

" You have to keep this quiet Danny, please. You can't tell a living being, I did it for almost ten years now and so can you." Taylor said and Danny nodded his head giving her a hug.

" I promise Taylor." He whispered and then he let go of her and looked around. " Don't you have homework to do?" He asked changing the subject and Taylor nodded her head.


Right now it's the middle of the night and I'm just sitting in Taylor's desk chair doing nothing. She was sleeping in her bed, once in a while she would move. I sighed and closed my eyes for a minute then Taylor whimpered. I open one of my eyes looking over at her and she was on her side curled up in a ball. What's the matter with her? She never curled up in a ball before? She then started mumbling in her sleep and I got up and went over to her. It was like pitch dark in here yet I could still see, but maybe not Taylor.

" Damien.......don't kill him." She then mumbled and I looked at her shocked, was she having a bad dream? And who's the guy Damien wants to kill? She never really mumbled in her sleep either actually. She then turned over so she was on her back and then held both hands to her neck! Ok what the heck is going on!? "No." She the whispered and I looked at her, she wasn't even breathing. This can't be no normal dream. I went to her bed side and grabbed her wrists but my hands went through them. Dame I forgot about that, oh I better hope she doesn't see me. I sighed and closed my eyes, before mumbling a few words. I felt myself change from being cold to warm and solid. I opened my eyes quickly and grabbed her arms and pulled them away from her neck and pined she arms to her side. After a minute her eyes flew open and she sat up looking around. I froze where I was and didn't move, she then started rubbing her eyes. "Alex?" She asked looking around but not at me. She then closed her eyes and flopped back in bed, and I saw tears going down her cheek." Alex." She cried and it hit me. I'm the one who died in her dream, I had to be if Taylor wasn't crying about me.

Still in my solid form or human which ever, I got in her bed. I laid next to her on my side looking at her. She still had her eyes closed and a few tears still going down her cheek as she laid on her side. I gently lifted my hand and wiped away some tears and she opened her eyes looking straight at me. Oh crap, no she can't see me not yet!

" Alex." She whispered and then she had her hand on top of mine which was still on her cheek. " Your warm." She smiled and I looked at her. She must be thinking that she's dreaming, she haves to.

" Yes, I know." I whispered and she opened her eyes and looked at me.

" This is a dream, I know it." She mumbled and I nodded my head. This is no dream, but she haves to think it is. "Alex, you have blonde hair, in this dream." She then touched my hair in which made me grin.

" And blue eyes." I added and she looked at me.

" You look...." She then stopped and looked at me closer. " Cute." She finished and I smirked. It's a dream, she doesn't think it's real. Though I want her to think it's real, not a dream.

" I n-" But I was stopped, my head started to ache. Dame, I'm using to much energy. I'm going to go back in about a minute. I grabbed my head with my hand and groaned.

" Alex?" Taylor whisper confused and I looked over at her. " Are you ok?" She added and I nodded my head.

" Yay, but come closer for a second." I mumbled and she looked at me and nodded her head coming a few inches closer. " Love ya." I smiled and I kissed her cheek gently before I returned to my normal form.


Heres the next chapter and I hoped you like it so PLEASE

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