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I storm into the classroom Number 39 of Casablanca's International High School, almost ten minutes late. "Could've been much worse" I think to myself as I close the door behind me after entering. I hear someone clearing his throat behind me. It's a women wearing a pale Muslim headscarf covering her hair, a beige top and black trousers. She points a shalk at me and says with a strong Moroccan accent :
- Well miss... Allister, I suppose, very pleased to see you're  honoring us with your presence.
    Some students giggle in the class. I cross her stare and reply :
- Sorry. I'm late. But the pleasure is mine.
- Well Lauren, I will forget about this incident as it's your first day here. But let it not happen again.
- Sure thing.
   She shows me a free sit in the back of the classroom next to a brown haired girl. I put my skateboard and my bag on the floor, and I'm about to sit down when the teacher tells me to stand up. I do as told and she asks me to present myself.
- Well I'm Lauren, I'm sixteen, and... I came to live here with my father two days ago.
- Do you know anyone here in Casablanca?
- Actually yes, a boy named... Mathis.
- Ugh, mister Blake. A very nice boy...
    She says this turning back to the blackboard, scribbling some math equation and I assume the questioning is done. I get a book out of my bag, and just doodle on a blank page, waiting for the bell to ring.

       When it finally does, I pack my bag and head to the door but a girl stops me :
- Hey Lauren!
She smiles at me and offers me her hand, and I grab it :
- I'm Zoe.
- Nice to meet you Zoe.
- Mathis has talked about you a lot, but he didn't tell you were coming, she says with a huge honest smile. She has dark brown hair and tanned skin, she looks like she has Mexican origins or something. She wears little white earrings and a matching grey pearl necklace.
- Well that's because he doesn't know. I wanted it to be a surprise.
- He's gonna love it. Oh, I gotta go, see you later?
- Yeah sure.
She's about to exit the room but she turns always and says :
- Oh and I love your skateboard by the way.
- Thanks!
And then she drowns in the crowd of students hurrying in the corridors.
I walk out and reach my locker a little farther in the hallway. The school is a really long building with two floors, a white floor and blue lockers. I stuff a few books in mine, wondering where is room 21 because I must attend French class there in five minutes. I then grab my phone and text my dad when I hear a rough voice saying :
- Getting caught with your phone on the first day, not a very good first impression right?
    I raise my head as I hear someone closing violently my locker's door. When I recognize the face staring at me, I scream of excitement and jump into his arms :
- Mathis! Oh gosh, I've missed you so much!
- Me too Lauren! What's up? What are you doing here? he says as he gets his hands on my shoulders and stares at me down and up with a huge smile.
- I've just moved in!
- That's so great to see you!  So you're going to live here, it's awesome!
- I'm so happy to see you again Mathis...
- Yeah, same...

      The bell rings, calling the students to gather in their classrooms. We both have French, so we join the class chatting with excitement . Mathis, it's the boy I met a year ago, in a surf training camp. We spent only a couple of days together before he left, but got really close. We were like brother and sister. He has blond hair, blue eyes, and a really honest smile. We somehow care a lot about each other, and I'm happy we can now share more than Facebook comments and messages. I care so much about him.  I hope he'll light up my life. He's also the only one who knows about... Well... My past and future. " He hasn't change, still so handsome. I may fall in love for him right? I would love to have a boyfriend..." I think to myself. Haha. Hormones would say my father. It may be true, anyway. He walks in front of me to open the door and I can't help but check out on his butt. And when I think that most of boys don't know how much girls love nice butts. Maybe as much as them.

I am sitting in a chair next to the window and I look outside. The trees, the sun, the sea, when I think about it, I feel my heart racing in my chest, and I feel so happy I might cry. Am I going to cry? No. That would be weird. Like, who cries because the weather is nice? Ugh. I'm bored. But I am definitely very happy. Actually I feel good. For the first time in a long time, I feel good. Like I belong here.

So here you are with the first chapter. I know it's short, and maybe boring because it's the start. I'm French so my English may be sometimes incorrect so I apologize but I hope you will like it! Enjoy! Don't be afraid of telling me how to make it better. It may start as a boring teenage story but don't worry you'll see it's much more... Anyway please comment and vote!

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