You don't have to be lonely anymore

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Christine stood on the balcony outside her room. it had been three years since that day. It had been three years since she kissed him. It had been three years since 'Don Juan Triumphant', and it had been three years since she had left her ange dela musique. Each and every day she asked herself Why? Why did I leave Erik ? Sure I am the vicomtesse but Raoul could never make me feel the way Erik did.

Child of the wilderness

Born into emptiness

Learn to be lonely

Learn to find your way in darkness

Who will be there for you

Comfort and care for you

Learn to be lonely

Learn to be your one companion

Christine walked into her room. Raoul stood there looking at her, his cerulean eyes piercing into hers. "Raoul I can't do this anymore." she said. "I-I just I don't know what I want anymore. I used to think you held all my answers and the key to my heart, but I just don't know anymore." Christine sobbed as Raoul's arms instinctive circled around her small frame.

"Shh... it's okay Christine." Raoul said trying to comfort his distressed wife.

"No it's not Raoul! Do you not see? I-I s-still... love him!" she gasped out. Raoul looked down at her in shock. "I-I'm s-so s-s-sorry Raoul! But I j-just d-don't feel the s-same for you. I've tried, I r-really have but..."

"Are you sure Christine?" asked Raoul still in shock.

"I-I am s-sure my... m-my best friend." Christine said shakily

"Then go to him." Raoul said reluctantly.

Never dreamed out in the world

There are arms to hold you

You've always known your heart was on its own

So laugh in your loneliness

Child of the wilderness

Learn to Be lonely

Learn how to love life that is lived alone

Learn to be lonely

Learn to be your one companion

The tunnels were as dark as the Opera house was burnt. Christine walked through them as fast as she dared. She had taken the tunnel from her old dressing room mirror. Quietly she whispered "Erik? Erik where are you?" Suddenly a gloved hand covered her mouth as she was spun around.

"What are you doing here?" A voice said back harshly

"E-erik?" Christine said faltering.

"No it's Carlotta. Who else do you expect to be down here in this hell besides me? Really? Now what could you possibly want from me?" Erik asked

"I-I-I w-wanted to a-apologize." Christine said trembling. "I wanted to apologize for all the pain I caused you, just because I was being naive and stupid. I'm so s-sorry!" Christine said growing a little stronger. "W-what I mean to say is I-I th-think I-I might j-just be i-in... in l-love with you." She gasped out, barely understandable. For the second time that night a man looked down at her in shock.

Erik was normally not one to stutter"W-what!"

"I tried to forget, but I could not. Everyday you were on my mind. Now I regret my decision that day three years ago. Please Erik I don't ask you to love me back, but please-please forgive me for my stupid-stupid self."

"Oh Mon ange de Musique! I forgive you!" Erik' face lit up slightly.

"Why did I ever do that to you? I led you on then left you to your loneliness and misery! I'm so sorry!" Christine cried again seeming not to hear Erik.

"Christine- my angel of music! I said I forgive you! A-and I may learn to love you"

Never dreamed out in the world

There are arms to hold you

You've always known your heart was on its own

So laugh in your loneliness

Child of the wilderness

Learn to Be lonely

Learn how to love life that is lived alone

Learn to be lonely

Life can be lived life can be loved alone

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