Chapter 5

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"It's open." I yell. "Hey Jen, do you need a ride?" I hear a man say. I turn around. It's Josh. "Hey, actually I do need a ride." I say. He smiles. "Great, are you ready?" he asks. "Not yet, I have to grab some stuff." "Okay, I'll wait outside." He says softly.

I grab my stuff and I put on some make-up because I'm with Josh and I wanna look good.  I walk out of my trailer and I see Josh smiling at me. We walk to his car. He opens my door. "Thank you Mr. Hutcherson." I say. He smiles and walks over to his side.

He starts the car. I look out of my window and then I feel a hand on my leg.  I look over at him and he quickly turns around and his cheeks are red.

I place my hand on his. He is still focusing on the road, but I see a little smile on his face. I think I'm going to talk to him tonight about us. I wanna know how he thinks about me. I'm not ready for a new relationship because I broke up with Nick a couple days ago and I'm still not over him.

We are in the lobby of our hotel. We click the button for the 4th stage in the elevator. After that I go to my own room.

"I'll see you soon?" he asks.

"Yes of course, we have a movie night. I didn't forget that!" I say with a smile. He smiles back. I turn around but then I feel warm hands on my waist.

I turn to Josh. Our faces are so close to each other. "Can't wait till tonight." He says My face is on fire. He kisses my cheek and he let go of me. He goes into his room. I think I stood there for like 2 whole minutes not to know what to do.

I walk into my room and take a quick shower. I feel the warm water against my bare body. It's so relaxing after a full day on set. It's really cold on set because we're in the water so we are always wet. But the weather on its self is really nice.

I pull on some comfortable clothes and I check my phone. I have tons of e-mails but I don't care. Tonight it's only me and Josh. I don't know if Josh thinks the same way about me, but I now I do. I think I'm not ready for this but who cares?

I walk over to Josh's room and I knock on the door. He opens the door with a smile.

"hey Jen are you ready for a scary movie?" he asks immediately  "hahaha yes of course. I can't wait." I say. We pick out the scariest movie so I can burry my face in his chest and he can keep me safe. We're sitting next to each other on his couch in the hotel. I sit up. "can we talk?" I say.

"Yes of course, is there anything wrong?" he asks. "No everything is fine, but I just want to thank you for everything you did for me the past years and I'm really lucky to have you in my life." I say. Josh blushes and looks down for a second but then he looks at me. I feel this weird feeling in my stomach again. I know what it is. I can't describe it.

" That is literally the sweetest thing that anybody ever said to me." He says with a big smile and red cheeks. "I have to thank you to, you're my best friend and I have no idea what I would do right know if you wouldn't be here."  "Joshy!" I say.

We look at each other for at least 10 seconds and then he leans in. This feeling what I had inside me grows within fractions of seconds. There is a warmth in my whole body and the place where it starts is my stomach.

I feel his breath against my lips and then our lips connect. This warmth that was in my body is now fire. His lips are so soft and his hand is on my waist. I put my hands around his neck. I put all my passion is this kiss and I think he does to.

And then he pulls away. But our foreheads are still connected. "I had to thank you." He whispers. I don't say a word and I steal another kiss from his lips and then I directly pull him in a hug.

This is the longest hug I've ever given to someone.

We pull back. There is a silence. Not an awkward one but a peaceful one. We watch the movie till it's done. I get up. "Where are you going?" Josh asks. " I go to bed we have to shoot tomorrow." I say " Okay Jen, so you think that after what happened tonight I let you go and you sleep alone?" he says. I nod. "I don't think so, come here." He says.

I walk over to his bed and lie down next to him. He pulls the sheets over my body and we are facing each other.

"Goodnight Josh." I whisper. "Goodnight Jen" He whispers back.

I turn around. After 5 minutes I feel a hand on my waist and then it goes to my stomach.  Josh holds me the whole night.

{a/n} I know I haven't update in a while and I'm really sorry. This chapter is also short but i hope you like it anyway!

I didn't expect this - JoshiferWhere stories live. Discover now