But am I really? Yes, I knew it was either the fox's life or my family's, but I still could have refused. My family could have been safe and sound this whole time. For all I know Mr. Small could have been bluffing!

And what if I hadn't have killed the random fox? Surely Mr. Small or his stupid henchmen would have done the deed instead. However, they would have let the fox be tortured. They wouldn't have given him any mercy. I did the fox a favor.

Stop excusing yourself! You took a life!

I had no choice!

Yes, you did.

I did it for my family! It was for my family! The fox would have done the same.

It's a shame he's not here to prove that.

Shut up! I did it for my family! I did it for my family! I did it for my family!

"I did it for my family," I whispered out loud, over and over again. I was laying in a fetal position, gently rocking back and forth as my tears fell down face bloodstained face.

Even my subconscious was being cruel to me. I'm aware that some abductees, when rescued and brought back home, tend to be a little crazy from their time spent away, but...will I turn out like that? Will I go crazy? I think I already am.

I hear the door open, and I froze. My back was facing the doorway and I kept my gaze toward the wall.

Don't make eye contact. Do not make eye contact.

Whoever it was, probably Wally, Carl, or Hank, I could hear them walk down stairs in a gentle manner.

Wait, Wally and Hank are never gentle when they walk. They're always loud and rough. Carl is always yapping away. I'm surprised Mr. Small hasn't killed him yet. Whoever is coming toward me is not them.

A big plus that told me it wasn't any of them was the scent. I already had the scents of Dumb (Carl), Dumber (Wally), and Dumbest (Hank), as well as Mr. Asshole (Mr. Small).

I quietly sniffed the air. Yeah, it's none of them. However, the scent kinda smells like...wolf.

"I know you're not sleeping," says the animal.

"I was never pretending," I blurted out on purpose, expecting him to snarl and snap at me. No such reaction came.

"You can't sleep to begin with, can you?"

The gentleness in his words caught me off guard. I slowly turn my body to look at the animal in my presence. The animal that so kindly came to visit was the same wolf who brought that fox into the room; the same wolf who stayed and watched; the same wolf who pointed a gun at me.

I knew I smelled a wolf. I just didn't think it would be this one.

He was standing at the end of the staircase. I was grateful for the amount of space between us, and hoped that he'd stay there. In his paws was a tray of...wow, it actually looks like decent food. It's probably poisoned though. Hell, there's a good chance it's not even mine. Who knows what other prisoners are being held against their will here in this large mansion.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

He lifts the plate up and says, "I came to--"

"If you think I'm going to eat that then you can just go ahead and trash it. The food must have poison in it or something." I snapped, and my heart began to speed up in fear.

What am I doing?! I really need to shut up!

The wolf merely shrugs. "If you wish. However, I'd take poison and death over staying in a hellhole like this." He turns to walk away, and my stomach decides to growl right there.

Zootopia: Snowfall (CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now