The slytherins zoned in on us and Harry was desperately trying to let them listen.
"Wait!" A female voice came from across the room. Pansy came strutting in her high heels and flicked her hair.
"Move it." She said to the crowd and they immediately moved to let her go through.

"Look pansy, we came to help Draco... you know Dumbledore called us!" Harry said.

"I know, come on!" We stared at her, amazed, until Ron ram after her.
"Come on." Hermione pulled my hand and we rushed behind her.

For the first time, not counting the time we came on our birthday, I got to see the slytherin common room clearly.

Green banners were draped around and pictures of old slytherins were stuck everywhere.
Paintings, trophies and snacks were scattered across the room and I realised how normal they were. Rumours were said that the slytherin common room was a prison and it was dark, damp and scary. Really, it was just like the Gryffindor common room.
"Here we are," pansy showed us a room and we heard soft sobs coming from inside.
"Draco, let me in!" Hermione shouted, and started banging on the door.
"Leave me alone Hermione."
Then ther was silence. "Wait.... You're awake?" Draco's voice came from the room.
"Yup, so let me in!"
The door opened slowly and Draco peeked out. His eyes were red and his face was paler than usual.
"They can't come in," he said and pointed to Harry, Ron, pansy and me.
"WHY?" I asked. "I'm the great Halina!"
"Halina," Harry pulled me backed and Hermione smiled at us before walking in. The door shut and I considered using a spell to unlock it but decided against it.

"Why didn't Dumbledore just use s spell to open the door?"
"I don't know, maybe he didn't want to intrude, I mean it's very rude." Pansy replies."unlike you." She added?

We chatted a bit but most of the time was silence. The door suddenly opened and Hermione came outside. "You guys can come now."

We went inside and as I was just under the doorway I grabbed hermione's arm. "What happened?"
"He'll explain."
Draco was sprawled on his bed and when he noticed we had come in, he shot up straight and started to fix himself."Draco, don't worry, you're not going for a fashion show." I commented before Hermione slapped me lightly on the arm.

Draco's POV:

Draco, don't worry, you're not going for a fashion show," Halina said.
I grinned. Anytime Halina could make anyone feel happy, and I was glad I was friends with her.
Hermione sat down next to me snd and I leaned my head on her for support.

Four people sat in front of me, Harry, Halina, Ron and Pansy. To think I would have had made friends with Gryfindors and fallen in love with one. They were all my friends, I wanted to tell them, but couldn't. My head kept saying no but my heart kept saying yes. Wow, that's sounds cliche. I smiled at the thought, and they all looked at me weirdly.

"So, Draco what did you want or tell us?" Harry asked. Harry, the boy who lived. Everyone loved him, looked up to him, even the slytherins. I used to hate him, because I was jealous of him but now I decided to put everything aside and become friends.
"You were going to tell us something." Ron said.

"Oh yeah.." I muttered weakly. Hermione put her arms around me and I smiled at her gratefully. Hermione was such a lovely, caring and beautiful person... I guess that's why I fell in love with her.

"Well, last night, I woke up after having a dream."
"Voldemort." Harry muttered.
I winced at the name but continued. "I had a vision that my father was killed. That he was tortured by-by him."

"What happened after?" Pansy asked.
"He died, but before he died he said:" I hope Harry Potter wins." He believed in you Harry." Harry's face was blank. "I promise that Lucius Malfoy wouldn't have died in vain."

Halina's POV:
I grinned and kissed Harry he smiled and hugged me. After that Ron leaned in and hugged the both of us. Pansy grinned and jumped on top of all of us. Now we were a mess of screams, laughter and giggles.  Hermione was towering over us, giggling, and I grabbed her foot. She fell, and started screaming. We pulled her in and finally Draco was standing with an look of lost on his pale face.

"Come on Malfoy." I said.
Grinning he ran backwards and started to run towards us.

"Bloody hell.." Ron whipsererd.
"NO NONO!" Pansy screamed.
"Draco!" Hermione shouted.
"AAAAAAAAIHHHHH!" Harry screamed.
"I'm ready Malfoy." I shouted and he jumped on us. His weight pushed us down and we were screaming and giggling. For once, in this whole year, I felt truly happy.

Hey guys! This is a long CHAPTER to keep you occupied!! Hope you like it and feel free to correct any mistakes! Yay! 🦄
I'm going out of town so there won't be wifi so I won't be able to update! I promise to update next week! Bye🦄

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