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Derek's POV

It's been two hours and I'm still here waiting to see him I'm not leaving

Until I see Stiles I haven't even moved from my seat just waiting until

They say 'He's fine' or 'You can see him now' I just want Stiles to be okay.

I close my eyes for just a minute.

"Derek wake up." I open my eyes and I see Stiles.

"Oh my god your alright I was so worried about you, I'm sorry I should

Have never kicked you out Stiles I-" Just as I'm about to hug Stiles he backs away.

"Derek this is all your fault that thing came after me because you left me alone to die."

"No no Stiles I made the biggest mistake leaving you-"

"SHUT UP you don't get to talk you're a monster and that's all you'll ever be! I hate you Derek Hale!"

"Stiles you don't mean that." I'm so hurt by his words.

"Oh but I do I don't even know why I fell in love with you in the

First place you haven't changed you can't change!"

Stiles pulls out a syringe it has a yellow liquid in it. "Stiles don't do this!"

"Goodbye Derek Hale."

He stabs me in the heart with the syringe I look at him hurt that he

Is watching me die and doing nothing about it. The wolves' bane hits

Me quickly I start to cough up blood I look at Stiles and he's smiling. "Stiles I'm sorr-"

"Derek! Derek!" I shoot up oh god it was just a dream.

"Derek are you okay?" I look at Scott.

"Yeah I'm fine Scott."

"Are you sure cause you were talking in your sleep."

"What did I say?"

"Well it seemed like it was a bad dream but you said

'Stiles don't do this.' and 'Stiles I'm sorry.' I suppose that is what

You were trying to say before I woke you up."

I look at Scott and he looks at me. "What was the dream about if you don't mind me asking?"

I look at Scott scared to tell him that his best friend, my boyfriend

Kills me because I wasn't there for him.

"Stiles was awake and fine but he was upset that I left him, he said

It was all my fault; he said he hated me and that he doesn't even know

Why he fell in love with me in the first place. He's right I am a monster."

"Derek listen to me Stiles he loves you and you know what he never

Wanted me to tell you this but I think you need to hear it."

I look at Scott he smiles and continues. "Derek, Stiles told me every time

You guys got into a fight he wanted to kiss that he just wanted to tell you

To shut up, when we first saw you in the woods I could tell he was in love

With you I never said anything but I knew before you guys started dating, and

You know what he still loves you, so don't ever think Stiles doesn't love you

Cause he does. I'm glad to see him happy he hasn't been happy in a while and

You've changed that just promise me you will never leave Stiles that you will

Stick by his side through thick and thin."

I look at Scott I can't believe he's loved me since we first met. "I promise Scott."

Melissa walks up to us with a clipboard in hand. "Derek do you want to see Stiles?"

I look at her and nod I get up but then I look back at Scott.

"Don't worry I'll be right out here you can see him first."

I smile and continue to follow Melissa to a room where Stiles is she

Opens the door and motions me to go on ahead. I sit next to Stiles

I grab his hand and hold on he's still sleeping but I just want to be with

Him right now that's all I want. Melissa walks out and closes the door halfway.

I can hear her talking to someone.

"We don't know what's wrong with him but don't worry we'll figure out what to do." Melissa says.

"I think you need to do some test."

"We will Sheriff we'll figure out what's wrong with him."

"Okay thank you Melissa."

"No problem."

I can hear them walk away I need to figure out what's wrong with Stiles.

Hope you guys liked this chapter I will try and update another chapter later, also I'm sorry I didn't update for two days I had work and that just makes it harder to update. 

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