"What are you doing here, out at this hour?" I ask crossing my arms. "Got in a fight with your father?"

"Actually, yes. And I don't think he'll be forgiving me anytime soon, so I will be living on the streets." Thats laughable.

"The streets is no place for a boy who couldn't fight off a few thugs, you should listen to your father. He probably isn't the best, but take it from me, as long as he doesn't hit you, he's doing something right." I say recalling some of my own memories from before I was ten. "If its safe enough, I suggest you head home. And if its not a home, its still a shelter. Sometimes thats all a kid needs." I say taking my leave.

"By kid," I say before disappearing into an ally way, and grappled up to a building. I saw the sun slowly rising and decided that it was about time to head back to the bat cave. Normally we are back before dawn, or at lest I am. Just so I can get more then one hour of sleep before I'm send off to school.

Geuss in my line of work, you take what little sleep you can get. And get used to it. Its alright, I don't need sleep, sleep comes with nightmares.

I walked in my shoulders hunched and a pout on my face, the stupid bird brain was right, the joker hates a lot of people and is a terrible father, but he could beat me a lot more then he does, and he gives me shelter, a place to stay, and trained ...

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I walked in my shoulders hunched and a pout on my face, the stupid bird brain was right, the joker hates a lot of people and is a terrible father, but he could beat me a lot more then he does, and he gives me shelter, a place to stay, and trained me well enough that if I wasn't looking for Bird Bitch, I could've easily have taken on those puppets.

"Oh, your back.." He said disappointed. "I'm assuming you're accepting my offer?" Harley Quinn appeared in the room, looking smug. The Joker must have given her a compliment or something.

"Yeah, I'll go to the damn school." I salked and stomped my way into another room in the old abandoned candy factory and say my self on top of the boxes. So here's whats going to happen. Your going to find robin and become close friends with her outside the costumes. I remember the dreaded laughter that erupted from him, but at the same time, your goal is probably to get under the costume if you know what I mean.

Ew, gross, Mister Jay. How do you even propose I do this?

Easily. I'll have Norman pose as your father and bring you to gotham high. Thats were she'll be. I know it!


Norman saw Blondie run out of there in her costume the other night, when word got out about my hostages. Rookie mistake.

And now I need to got to school! Real rookie mistake. I got up and roughly kicked the box. Stupid box. Sitting there all box like.

I looked out the window, about seven. I could tell by the shadows and sun position. I put on some black jeans and a dark green t shirt along with a jean jacket. I didn't do anything to my hair since we didn't have any hair products casually around a candy factory.

I walked out about to leave the dreaded factory as the joker delivered a slap to my back, "I hope you get lucky tonight!" God I want to kill him.

I saw Jensen, not Norman, but a goon none of the less, here to escort me to school.

A/n hello! Another chapter! This one is present tense. I wanted to clarify something, this book is an AU (ALTERNATE UNIVERSE) book, were Viviane O'Tyler exists, and therefore is not tied down to any specific events or time lines that occur in the comics, telly shows or, movies.

Here is what I picture Jay or MAYHAM (his given name) to look like.

As always, vote and share and comment! Until next time

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As always, vote and share and comment! Until next time.

Its Time To Fly Robin [Robin And The Joker's Son FANFICTION Completed]Where stories live. Discover now