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"Are you sure you're alright to drive dude?" Zach questioned Ryan as he opened his drivers door.

"Yeah relax man, it's pretty much auto-pilot all the way home" Ryan can't hide his amusement and Zach's concern.

"Okay, safe journey" Zach hugged his best friend quickly, in a manly way of course and watched as Ryan started the engine.

It wasn't long before Ryan's demo tape echoed around the car, it was on repeat the same loop played or and over again as he drove down the dark bendy back roads home. Ryan's cell phone started to vibrate and he hit answer on his hands free kit "Hello?"

"Oh hey Ry it's Cassy, I just wanted to check you had your tickets for tomorrow" Cassy was Ryan's PA, she worked with the record label.

"Yeah, got tickets and passport sorted" Ryan grinned "I'll expect a car at 6am?"

"Yep" Cassy replied "Okay ill see you soon"

"Bye Cass" Ryan ended the call at the click of another button. He looked ahead and saw a set of headlights coming towards him. Ryan moved closer to the edge of the road to allow two cars to pass. But as he neared the road side he felt his wheel hit a pot hole in the road "SHIT" He cried out as the car pulled into he centre of ye road. He was now in the path of the oncoming car "FUCK" he yelled as he tried to hit hurt he breaks, bit it was too late.

Ryan's car had collided with the other car spinning them both out of control...


Ryan's eyes slowly opened, he felt a stinging sensation coming from his head and he could taste blood in his mouth. As he looked ahead he noticed the other car had crashed into a ditch on the side of the road "Oh god" Ryan cried before forcing his door open, he didn't even assess the damage to his own car ot to himself. As he neared the other car he noticed a mass of blonde hair covering the face of the person in the drivers seat.

The sound of faint crying was also coming from inside the car "No, No...oh god please no" it wasn't until Ryan looked into the back seat, that he saw an infant in a car seat. Ryan's instincts made him open the door and unstrap the car seat, he lifted it out and placed it on the ground next to where the blonde haired woman was "It's okay" Ryan tried to shush the baby but it was too distressed.

Ryan remembered his cellphone in the car, he rushed back to get it "Hello erm there's been an accident" Ryan gave the woman all the details of where he was and also stayed on the line so the operator could track his cell phone "Erm yeah there is a baby and a woman, the woman is still trapped inside the car"

"Okay sir" the man's voice spoke calmly "is the vehicle safe, are there any leaking substances or any smoke coming from the vehicle"

"No nothing" Ryan checked around for any dangers.

"Right that's great. The emergancy services will be with you in 7 minutes, I can see exactly where you are so don't worry. Now you said the woman was still trapped in the car?"

"Yeah" Ryan stuttered.

"Is she trapped by something other than her seat belt?" The operator continued and Ryan looked around the woman.

"No I don't think so" Ryan replied "I could probably get her out if..."

"No it's okay sir, unless there is any signs of danger it's best not o move her, can you see her head? Does she look to have any injury?" Ryan gently moved the hair away from the woman's face, his thought at first was how beautiful she was. His attention returned to the task in hand when he heard the operator cough.

"She has a cut on her head and bruising where the seat belt has cut into her neck" Ryan continued to assess the woman's injuries.

"Is she breathing okay?" Ryan nodded before realising the operator couldnt hear him.

"Yeah shes breathing okay"

"Thats good and what about the baby?" The operator asked and Ryan turned to look at the infant who had stopped crying, as Ryan looked at it properly he realised the baby was a girl. She looked cold so Ryan removed his jacket and draped it across the baby car seat.

"There" he whispered "The baby looks absolutely fine" he was relieved.

"That's good" as the operator replied Ryan heard distant sirens, they were getting closer until Ryan finally saw flashing lights in the distance.

"They are here" Ryan sighed "Thank god and thank you"

"You're welcome, but please stay on the phone until they are with you okay?" Ryan nodded his head again.

"Yeah" He sighed still relieved that an ambulance was now in sight...

Ryan was taken into an ambulance with the baby girl as soon as they got to him. He didn't really see what was happening outside, he just hoped the young woman was going to be okay...

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