It's sort of odd putting into words this thing that they are doing together, not that George is uncomfortable with it - not at all, but it's different. When he's in the moment, George doesn't have to think, everything just comes naturally, but he's always been shit at expressing himself vocally, so he's glad that Matty hasn't asked him how he feels about it, because he would most likely say something idiotic that would piss Matty off and ruin everything.

Matty falls asleep as soon as he sits down on the sofa, his soft snoring alerting George to the fact that he's out like a light once he enters the living room. Wanting to confirm the obvious, George pads over to the couch silently, only to find Matty curled up on the cushions. George is surprised that he managed to keep his eyes open for this long after his mostly sleepless night, so he doesn't bother with moving him in fear of waking him, although he does tuck a blanket around him gently.

Now that's Matty's oblivious for a little while, George takes the opportunity to slip away into the bathroom, tugging down his jeans which have been digging into his hard cock with a soft sigh of relief.

George leans back against the sink before spitting into his hand and fisting his dick, a satisfied groan escaping from his throat as he tugs at his length quickly, the pressure in his balls already reaching the point of being borderline painful since he waited so long to get himself off.

It doesn't take much time at all before George is spilling across his knuckles with a choked off moan, a vivid image of Matty panting and writhing beneath him pushing him over the edge so quickly that George is almost shocked.

A part of him wishes that he had let Matty finish him off, that it was his long fingers curling around his cock like they do with his microphone stand, but George also doesn't want to push Matty too far, too fast, so his own hand will do for now.


Matty returns to his own flat for a few days after that, saying he needs to get his things gathered for the upcoming tour, and even though George thought he would appreciate a bit of alone time after having Matty at his place for almost two weeks, he finds himself missing Matty's presence more than he ever has before.

George doesn't know what to do with himself now that Matty's gone. He smokes more than usual and he jerks off so much it's almost like he's become a teenager again. Sometime in between those two things, he manages to pack as well, although he's sure he's forgotten something important that he won't recall until they're already on the road.

Time seems to grind to a halt without Matty there. Everything stagnates and draws out to the point that George thinks he's going insane. George isn't sure if it's because they kissed, or if it's simply the fact that he's still worried about Matty since his and Gemma's breakup wasn't too long ago, but whatever the case, it's driving George mad.

He tries to remember what he usually does when Matty's busy elsewhere, but he keeps coming up blank. He and Matty are almost always together, and when they aren't, George is typically getting laid, which he isn't particularly interested in right now if it doesn't involve Matty.

He hits up another party with Adam on the second night which Matty doesn't attend, but he leaves early and ends up moping around his flat for the rest of the night. His fingers itch to call his best friend up and invite him over, but his mind refuses to give into the urge. He eventually falls asleep in his bed that feels too big without Matty in it, cursing himself for how badly he misses Matty's small body curled up against his own.


Matty returns on the third day just when George is about to break down and ring him up asking how he's doing, thankfully saving George the embarrassment that would surely follow such a desperate act.

Matty doesn't say much about what he's been up to, but the skin around his eyes looks tired and strained. George is probably fretting over nothing, but he still finds himself doting on Matty likes he's got the flu or something, brewing him tea without having to be asked, fetching him things when Matty offhandedly mentions them. The extra attention seems to please Matty, so George keeps it up even when Matty appears to be doing just fine, He hasn't cried at all since his return that is, at least - George hasn't caught him in the act.

George goes through Matty's phone one night while he's asleep, wanting to see if he's been in contact with Gemma. He could ask of course, but he can't bring himself to breach the sensitive topic in fear of hurting his best friend, so he chooses this option instead. Matty wouldn't be bothered by it, he told George his passcode after all, so George ignores the small tendrils of guilt that are dancing around the corners of his mind as he skims over his messages.

George doesn't find much; they've talked a bit, but their last correspondences dates from the night after Grimmy's party. Gemma basically told Matty that she still cares for him but she needs to do her own thing, and that he should find someone who isn't as fussed by his schedule as she is.

George stops looking after that, hoping that if something else happens, Matty will come to him with it. He just wanted to make sure that Gemma wasn't continuing to wound Matty by giving him some sort of false hope, which she doesn't seem to be, so George is satisfied for now.

Votes and comments are always lovely to see if you feel like leaving one.

Love you all xxx

- starr

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