the whole point of this

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So basiclly the whole point of this book, i guess that what you would call this, is that i got bored one day and decided to write about the wacky things that goes on in my life so why not share it with everyone right? *cricket noises* ok then. I will be continuing on my other story, american witch, i just havnt written much lately because i was taking a short break but trust me, some chapters are done and i just need to post them (latest by friday). Also since im a really wierd, wacky person, ill be posting random funny pictures and memes and stuff above the title for each cuz....y not? Kinda like the one on top. So ya ill try to post if this like 5 storys per week minimum, or whenever i dont get lazy, maximum 7 storys per week.

So heres some stuff about myself:
*im mexican American
*i wear glasses
*im a game, anime, music, movie, and book nerd
*i curse, like ALOT
*My passion is videogames
*i like to go by Hcgirlgamr online
*dog person for life 🐶
* i have 4 dogs
*Top 3 bands imagine dragons, fall out boy, panic at the disco
* top 3 anime dragon ball, kill la kill, attack on titans
*top 3 books harry potter, series of unfortunate events, fifty sha- nah kidding, hunger games
*my favorite number is 3
*ps4 v Xbox : ps4
*mains im super smahs bros, zero suit samus, little mac, corrin
*Im a scorpio
*favorite color, blue or black
*i like to sing, write, play games (duh)
*im a rebell 😈
* my username

I guess thats it for now, ull know more stuff about me along the way, hope u like these stories ^-^

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