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"Hi my little pastries! I'm SinamonBun aka Rose." I said into my video camera. I had been doing YouTube for about 3 years and my channel started picking up about year ago. I'm now a partner and have 5 million subscribers.

"So I'm making this little vlog to tell you guys about some things. First thing I'm going on my first trip to LA! Woo! The plane is leaving today!" I did a little happy dance in my gaming chair. "As you guys know I live in Boston but I'm gonna go on trip to LA to meet up with some people and do colabs. I'm planing on doing a fan meet up so I'll tweet the info out then." I smiled a big smile into the camera. "I'll be out there for a month so if you live out in LA hit me up. So anyway I'm super nervous since this will be my first plane ride. I hope I don't die. Also the second thing I want to show you guys was that my hair is turning this teal color from the darker blue it was. But I'm totally loving it. I think while I'm out in LA I'll get it cut shorter because to be honest I haven't gone to the hair dresser to get it cut in years." I picked up the camera and brought it closer to my hair and moved my hair around with my hand so that my viewers could see.

"Okay third I wanted to say that I recently just hit 5 million subscribers and it goes up more and more everyday! I just want to say that I love you guys and when I started YouTube I would have never thought this would have happened. I'm freaking out." I started to tear up a bit just thinking about what I've gotten through on YouTube and the millions of people supporting me. "You guys supporting my art and my videos is literally the best thing ever. I don't know how I'll ever repay you or thank you enough. All I hope is that you get some type of enjoyment from my videos. So anyway when I actually get into LA I'll make a better video I promise! I look like trash right now so I'll remake this but I just wanted to tell you guys I noticed." I was wearing a tee-shirt my dad gave me that was from an fishing event to raise money for the army and black leggings. I had on my favorite black vans too. I had really big self-esteem issues so for me my light makeup wasn't enough.

I wiped my tears. "So yeah. My plane leaves soon so I gotta get to the airport and stuff. I'll see you guys soon. BYE!" I smiled and ended the video. Since I made the video in one take and it was just a simple short vlog I didn't edit it. I uploaded it to my computer and the straight to YouTube.

Once it was done I shoved my laptop right into my bag and headed out to my taxie with my bags. On the car ride I put my hair up and posted and travel selfie on instagram. I got a bunch of comments like "Wow your. So pretty!" "Good luck! Safe travels!" And the occasional hate comment but really all the good ones made me so happy. When I finally reached the airport I paid the driver and got my bags out of the back. I finally got out of security an hour later and put my luggage on that belt thing. I waited about 30 minutes before they called my plane number and I boarded. I pulled my phone out my bag and hit shuffle on my music. The plane ride was long about 3 hours and a half. Once the plane finally landed I got off and got my luggage.

I checked my twitter as I rode down the esculater. Man I loved my fans. I put my phone down and looked for in to the crowd of people. I saw a girl with long blonde hair and a medium brown skin tone holding a sign that said "Queen"


Jade was my best friend in 6th through 10th grade but then she moved out here. I smiled when I saw her and picked up my pace. "Rose!" She smiled when she saw me. "Jade! I missed you" I hugged her. "Same here girly"

Jade and I caught up on the way to my hotel but sadly she had a meeting to go to after she dropped me off. Jade was had an important job at YouTube corporate. That's why she could clear part of her day to get me from the airport. She promised to see me tomorrow as she drove away.

I got my hotel number and key from the front desk and head up to my room. I put my bags down and got acquainted with the room. It was amazing. There was a giant bathroom that was beautiful and a king size bed. There was a couch and a mini fridge. It was better then my apartment. I sighed happily as I floped on the bed. "Long ride." I mumbled. "Need beverage." I got off the bed. I got my bag and my room key. I didn't have a car or any idea where I was going but I was going to find a Starbucks or something. I started walking down the street. While I was walking I decided to make snapchats.

"Hey everyone! I got LA safe and sound. Its 3:00 PM. Anyway I just realized my idol Markiplier lives here." I say walking down the street. Only a few people looking at me. End video.

"I would die if I saw him. But I totally won't. He's probably so busy and he's way too cool for little ol'me" I laughed softly. End video.

I ended up finding a Starbucks and walked in. The line was obviously long as shit. But I didn't care it gave me time to stalk all the Mark tweets I missed. I went thought hearting things and smiling til I heard a very familiar voice in front of me. By this time I was second in line and there was a man in front of me.

"Thank you!" Said the voice in front of me once he ordered. I was speechless. I almost fainted. I opened Snapchat and turned to the back camera. I filmed the man in front of me just as he turned to walk away. "I'm dead" I whispered into my phone. There in front if me was the most glorious man ever. Mark Edward Fischbach. Markimoo. The markiplier.

I quickly posted it to my story and moved up in line. I couldn't talk to him he would hate me. Mark walked over to the pick up stand as I ordered. He was smiling down at his phone. I ordered a hot chocolate and moved over back behind Mark. He looked up at me and then back at his phone for a second and then back at me with the biggest smile.

My phone notification went off. I looked away from mark and down at my phone for a second.

-Twitter: @Markiplier followed you-

"Oh my god.... I must me dreaming." Words feel from my lips. Mark reached over and pinched me. "You can't be dreaming unless we're having the same dream. But just in case you pinch me too." He smiled. "You're markipler." I whispered staring at him. "You're sinamonbun." He laughed softly. He grabbed his coffee from the worker and sat at a table. I got my hot chocolate and before I could leave and die in peace. Mark called me over. "Hey come sit over here."

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