Can't Spell Love Without L [Act 2]

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"Yes, you are." The lawyer smiled kindly at her.

Amaryllis, for the fifth time, reread what was written down on the last will of his grandfather, whom she only met when she was still a small child.

It states that Amaryllis is the sole inheritor of his grandfather's wealth and treasures: the lands, the mansions, the great houses, the large amount of money, everything. It is also stated that she won't be informed until she had finished high school.

"This is unbelievable."

"But you have to believe it, Amy-chan."

She looked at Rue with an uneasy emotion in her eyes, and he shot back a serious one. With a sigh, she decided to thank the lawyer for letting her know the details in time and offered him a snack, which he kindly refused. He smiled and left, leaving her with Rue.

"Amy-chan, I have something important to tell you."

"And what is so important that you sound like someone from a detective movie?"

"About your grandfather's last will and testament."

Her body went stiff with the bluntness of his words, but she whispered in reply. "Go on."

"Before you had known about the existence of the testament, your distant relatives already gained knowledge about it. Your family and, especially, you, might not know about what was happening, but Ryuzaki and I are both involved in this matter."

"You? And Ryuzaki? Why? "

"It was a discreet case, Amy-chan, no one, not even the police, were aware about it. But there was a string of murders that almost looked like suicides. Some from the police are paid to keep their noses away from this, but these murders are all pointing to you."

"H-Huh? What are you talking about? And why me?"

"Because a relative of yours is killing the candidates for the inheritance of your grandfather's will. And the next victim might be you, if you won't take care, Amaryllis."

The usage of her name made her wary, and her voice broke slightly.

"W-Who is that relative of mine that you are talking about?"

"Honestly, you won't really want to know at this moment."

"Rue!! Just tell me!"

"No, I am sorry, Amy-chan, but Ryuzaki told me to keep quiet about the leads."

She frowned slightly, and calmed down. The mentioning of Ryuzaki's name made her heart beat faster, but sadness overcomes her.

"Is...Is he alright there? In England?"

"Of course."

"What is he doing there?"

"He's solving cases with the help of Watari. He's pretty busy now because he stacked a lot of cases in his schedule."

"So he's a detective now? I haven't heard about a detective in England that is named Ryuzaki."

"... ...."


"I guess I don't have any options left." Rue sighed, and seriously continued. "The name 'Ryuzaki' is only an alias."

"... Alias?"

"Yes. But I won't tell you his real name. Just call him Ryuzaki, because I believe that he will be the one who will tell you the truth."



11:00 pm


Amaryllis nervously opened the search engine of her laptop, and with trembling fingers, typed some keywords that might give her ideas of Ryuzaki's exact whereabouts.

"Detectives in England...detective...agencies...Ugh, this is no help at all."

She clicked randomly until she accidentally hit a link, and the very first thing that caught her eye is a single letter that sent chills down her spine.

The letter L.


Misa tapped her pen impatiently as she waited for the reports of the hired assassin. When the door opened, she quickly glared at the man who killed the targets for tonight.

"What happened now?"

"All dead, Miss Amane. No traces left and all witnesses are eliminated."

She smiled. "Good. Now, this one is next." She handed him a black notebook and the assassin read the name aloud.



Rue sat quickly in front of his computer, typing up the password, and while he waited for the computer to open, he scooped some strawberry jam with a spoon. For him, fingers are better, but since he needs to speak with L, dirty fingers are not allowed.

When the machine was ready, he clicked the icon next to the Recycle Bin and waited for the program to load. The connection swiftly sent a buzzing sound to the other line, and when Ryuzaki's face appeared, he spoke softly but audible enough for the other man to hear.

"L, I finished tracing the string of murders. Amaryllis is the next one."

"Are you positive?"


"Then expect me tonight there."

Rue smiled, and closed the program. Tomorrow will be a dangerous one, but who cares?

-- End of Act 2.

Can't Spell Love Without L (A Death Note Romance Fan fiction) [Complete]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang