Chapter 5: Help

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Was I really going to be cared for?

We soon arrived at a large building, it's was clean and shiny. Surely I was seeing things, right? I mean after all, I was on the verge of stasis lock because my systems were starting to shut down, and apparently some people see things during this phase. Was I seeing things too? I don't know... But one thing I definitely knew that was real were the two mechs standing outside the giant structure, were they waiting for me and my rescuer RedAlert? Why did they look so impatient? Wait, never mind. "Could you run any slower kid? It's a matter of life and death here." The eldest of the two mechs called over to RedAlert rather harshly. I mean, he ran the whole way here why couldn't he be at least a little bit grateful? Aren't doctors supposed to be grateful? "I'm sorry Ratchet I really am. But I was worrying too much about the sparkling." Well at least someone seemed worried, Ratchet looked too calm, but he was a doctor, he was supposed to be calm. And who was the other mech? He's really quiet.

I was soon handed over to Ratchet and we headed inside. He ran even faster than RedAlert, but he was much more careless. "Ratchet be careful!"
"Matter of life and death Prowl!" So the quiet one was Prowl? He looked even grumpier than Ratchet, but Ratchet was surely older. I was really confused, I just wanted to recharge, and as if on cue my optics started to shut. "No no little one. Don't fall into recharge I need you to be awake." What was so bad about me wanting to recharge? Everything hurts and I'm sleepy, a nap can't hurt, can it?

I was just about to fall into recharge when I heard a door slam shut and a thud come from the other side. Did he just slam a door in my rescuer's face? I guess he doesn't want to work with a tiny crowd. Or any crowd...
Ratchet sat me down on the bed as he made a bottle of sparkling formula, it was a bright and a shiny blue, brighter than standard energon too so we could tell the difference.
But I was to busy yawning to pay attention, my system shutdown was speeding up rapidly and I soon collapsed down onto my front with a whimper. "Scrap." Ratchet quickly noticed my very weakened state and picked me up while holding the made up bottle of sparkling formula, "C'mon little one, drink up." I refused and turned my head away, I was too tired, couldn't he see that? "Please, we don't want to lose you." Wait... Lose me? How did I not notice? I wasn't really tired, I was going into stasis lock! What if I was offlining too!? This can't be happening!

I started to panic with all these questions burning inside of me. Tears instantly started pouring from my optics, as weakened cries escaped my lips. This made Ratchet extremely alarmed as he jumped straight into action, rocking me gently in his arms, trying to get me to eat... But it was too late; as I was about to accept the bottle, my whole world went black. "No!"

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