Chapter One

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How It All Started

It was a day like any other, me and the guys Phil, Matt and Carmichael were chilling in a club and they started chatting about this woman wearing a crimson red dress with ocean blue high heels and a hand bag as dark as tree bark at the rather large wooden surface of which she was leaning against. Phil decided he was going to try and get her number and the other guys were cheering him on whilst I thought that there was no need joining in with the encouragement. With pride on his shoulders, Phil strut towards the woman to ask her for her number when suddenly a male figure appeared and said "sorry about that babe" and gave her a peck on the cheek. Broken, Phil then shuffled over to us in a walk of shame, but just as Phils' spirits were broken, Carmichael shouted out "check out her", Matt then said back to him"Oliver you should totally go ask her for her number". What? Me? I thought to myself, I can't possibly do that, I do not encourage such childsplay. They all started imitating the sound of a chicken to try and pressure me into doing it, but I stood my ground and remained in my seat. Without thinking, I reccomended that Matt should do it since he has experience in this type of thing. He then replied "maybe I will, she does have a nice rack". I was confused about what he was saying like normal they were all bouncing up and down with joy, it was clear they were all attracted to this lady.

However, I felt embarassed, I'm chilling with the guys and I don't even have the slightest bit of excitement, I'm not even drunk and they are all off their heads. At the time, I thought to myself something is up. But then it hit me, literally.


My stupid friends knocked me unconscious with some sort blunt object I assume a baseball bat of some kind. Surprisingly, I had no marks on me at all, I was unconscious for hours so I was told. Suddenly, I woke up and what happened next was one of the biggest shocks of my life...

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