"Long time no see, Styles." Nick said as he moved hair out of Harry's face. "I see that your boy toy left you."

"Nick, please leave me alone. I'm really not feeling well and a lot has been happening. Please, stop." He begged as he went to walk around Nick. Nick moved him back into place with some force. I tensed up more, but didn't move. I had to wait.

"Are you seriously still playing this game?! Look, Harry, you've gotten the attention you wanted from everyone. You're all people talk about anymore. Now you can cut the crap!" Nick shouted causing Harry to flinched. I clenched my fists tightly as he got up in Harry's face.

"Please, stop! You're going to hurt her!" Harry shouted as he tried to get out of the tight space between Nick and the lockers.

"How cute! You even made up a gender for it. Okay, you had your fun now cut it out! Come on, let me see how you make it look so real." Nick said, trying to slide Harry's shirt up.

Harry pushed his hands away and tried to move away from Nick, but he didn't get far. I was about to move when I saw that Harry pushed him off of him, but it wasn't over. I saw the angered look on Nick's face, and I knew this wouldn't end well. I started running as fast I could through the crowd of people, but it was soon too late. Nick grabbed Harry by the shirt and threw him into the lockers. I wouldn't be too worried if he only hit his back, but he didn't. He hit the side of his stomach straight into the the locker combination piece. I stood in my place, shocked, as I heard Harry scream in pain and fall to the ground. The hallway went silent and my heart stopped. I couldn't move my feet for a few seconds until I realized what might happen. Natty.
I ran the rest fo the way there to see Harry curling up on himself, holding his stomach as close as he could. He was in shock. He was breathing heavily and unevenly and crying loudly.

"It's going to be okay, Harry. I promise." I rambled as I gathered him in my arms.

"L-L-Louis..." Harry breathed out, his voice slowly going more faint.

"It's going to be okay..." I replied, trying to help him up, my mind going a million miles per hour.

"The baby..." Harry cried as he lifted his hand up from his stomach.

"She'll be fine. She--" I suddenly choacked on every little ounce of air as I stared at his stomach. One spot on the side was covered in blood. His shirt was beginning to become soaked and Harry started to freak out. Both of them were hurt, and it was all my fault.

"Louis! She's--she's hurt! I don't want to lose her! She's gonna die! Louis, I don't want to lose my baby!" Harry rambled on as I took off my jacket, tears escaping my eyes.

"No she won't, baby. She's going to be fine! She'll be fine!" I yelled, trying to persuade myself more than him. "This might hurt." I said as I tied my jacket over the wound. Harry cried out in pain and no one did anything. They just stood there. "Someone call for help!" I shouted. "Please, someone!" I turned back to Harry and saw that he was pailing over and that the blood was spreading more. "Okay, Harry. It's going to fine. She'll be fine." I whispered as I lifted him up bridal style and ran down the hall. I held him with his wound facing me to get more pressure on it, but it didn't seem to be working.

I ran out of the school as fast as I could. If it weren't for me being on the football team, I wouldn't be able to do this. Harry cried louder, but this time it was in pain. His face scrunched up and hid in my shoulder.

"Louis, it hurts! She's hurt...she's hurt. I can't lose her! I can't lose her!" Harry cried, using his free hand to hold his stomach where I hoped Natty would still be at the end of the day.

Unexpectedly: Larry Stylinson Mpreg AUWhere stories live. Discover now