Chapter 5

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~Your POV~
Me and Levi get up and get dress in better clothes. We headed outside to our porch where Isabel and Farlon were already there.
"What do you want?" I barked.
Erwin had stepped forward and cleared his throat.
"We have noticed that you 4 are all good with 3DMG. " He said.
"Yeah no dip." Farlon said giving him a cold stare.
"We want you guys to come and join us in the military." Erwin said looking at me.
"In your dreams green capes..." Levi said.
"We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Your choice." Erwin offered.
I spit on the ground right next to Erwin's foot and growled.
"Hard way is it..." Erwin said giving us a cold stare.

The military eventually left. We all looked at each other in silence. Until Isabel broke the silence.

"Why would they want us to join the military now?" She asked.
"Because they have been watching what we have been doing." Levi replied.
"They need more soldiers so they came to us.." I added.

We all shift uneasily and head back inside. Isabel and Farlon head back to their room while me and Levi stay in the living room. I sat next to him on the couch. There was an awkward silence between us. He wraps his arm around me and sighs.
"Promise me something." Levi said.

I look up at him.
"Anything." I said holding his hand.
"Promise me that you will not let the green capes get to you." He said.

I take in a shaky breath.

"I will try...what if they come and get you?" I ask looking up at Levi.
"I won't let that happen...."

~Few hours later~

~Levi's POV~
We decide to all go out to dinner together. To wash off what happened today. I wrap my arm around (Y/n) as we walked to the dinner. We all have our 3DMG on. Just in case. (Y/n)s eyes light up when we get there. I love her so much. She is the perfect person to stay with me forever.

"What do you want?" I ask her as she looks at the food.
"We could split a sub." She said leaning her head on my chest.
I smile and order a sub for us to split. We eat our food leaning against the wall. (Y/n) takes a big bite out of the sub.
"M-mh! This is so good!!" She said looking up at me.
I smile taking a bite out of the sandwich.
I could see (y/n) tensing up as she looks up. I look up at the 4 green capes pacing the roof. I could hear Farlon growling as he looks up.

"What stalkers." He mumbles.
"Lets just head back.." (y/n) suggests.

We all start walking back when we get stopped. By a green cape. He was tall and black hair and little freckles. (Marco) He had guilt all over his face. We hear a loud thud as we all turn around to face another green cape. It was another guy. He had broad shoulders and short blonde hair. (Reinner) I looked over at (y/n). Her eyes were wide. Like she was really to fight. If the green capes want a show down we will give them a show down......

~Your POV~
I growl as I pull out my blades. I glance over at Levi who was doing the same thing. Isabel and Farlon eventually did the same thing. The blonde hair grunted and folded his arms. More green capes came and surrounded the area. I looked up and saw Erwin pacing one of the roof tops. I looked back at Levi, Isabel and Farlon.
"Split into two Isabel and Farlon you go west. Half of them will follow you but you cant fight them off. Me and Levi will head west where the other half of the green capes will follow us." I whispered.
"W-What if--" Farlon said before Levi interuped him.
"There is no what if just fight and dont stop..." Levi said moving over closer to me.
We all nod our heads and take a deep breath. It felt like we were a shot of lighting. We were going so fast. Me and Levi flew past them and down and alley. Me and Levi flew on top of roof and scanned the area. There were two soldiers that came from the sky. I dodged the solider and kicked the other one. Levi put up his blades and pushed off the solider. The solider flew off the roof.
"Separate them!" Erwin ordered.
Two soldiers flew for me. One came from the front. I kicked him in the stomach. I didn't see the one from behind. He kicked me in the back. Knocking me off the roof. I skid across the ground creating dust. Levi punched a solider in the face before yelling for me.
"(Y/n)!!" He screamed.
I looked around frantically through the dust. Searching for any soldiers trying to sneak up on me. I look up at Levi who was looking down at me from the roof. I see a solider coming from the air coming toward Levi.
"Levi!!" I yelled trying to warn him.
But I wasn't fast enough. Erwin got to him first. He landed on top of Levi crashing him through the roof. I try to run after him but something hits me in the back hard causing me to fall. I quickly get up to face 4 soldiers. They circled around me. One ran after me and I punched him in the face. He fell to the ground. Another came after me. I dodged her and kicked her the back. One of the soldiers knocked me down causing me to hit my back on a stone wall.
"There is too many of them!!" I said in my mind.
The two soldiers that I hit earlier had gotten up and walked over to me. One of them picked me up by the neck. I took his arm and twisted it causing his wrist to break. He screamed in pain. He dropped me to the ground where I tried to run away from them but a pain shot through my side. I could taste blood in my mouth as it trickles down the corner of my mouth. I gasp for air as I fell to the ground. A solider walked in front of me as I grab my bleeding side. He ran the blade that had my blood on it across my face. Causing my blood to smear on my face. I could feel blood trickling down my face. My side was bleeding so bad and it hurt like hell. One of the soldiers started tying my feet up but I was kicking. Still fighting. The one who stabbed me rolled me over and stepped on my wound. I wince and growl at him. Two of the soldiers grabbed me and held me up. They eventually tied me up and started walking me to an area. They throw me on the ground and I could feel more blood trickle out of my mouth. I look up at the figure in front of me. When my eyes focus I see who it is. Levi. He tries to get over to me but Erwin grabs his hair pushes him in a puddle. I scream and shout. Wanting to free from this mess. I couldn't move. I was tied up and too weak. Levi growled as Erwin lifted his head from the puddle. (Levi is tied up as well)
"Now look what we have here. A hurt little thug." He said walking over to me.
I looked up at him with a cold stare. He pulled my hair causing me to yelp a little. I look over at Levi with sad eyes.
"Leave her alone!!! Its me you want!" Levi yelled.
Erwin dropped me and turned around to face Levi.
"I want all of you but, one is wounded. I cant take her...." He said as he looked behind Levi.
I look behind Levi to see Farlon and Isabel tied up and with rags around their mouths.
"Isabel! Farlon!" I screamed.
I could see the tears pouring out of Isabel's eyes. Farlon tried to get up but a green cape pushed him down.
"So what's it going to be? You join us and we leave her here. Or we shoot her right here right now." He said walking over to me and pointing a gun to my head.
I could feel tears trickling down my face as I saw the worry in Levi's eyes. Erwin cocked the gun and flinched. I could see the tears forming in his eyes. I closed my eyes as I could feel more tears coming out of my eyes. I heard Levi take in a shaky breath.
"Fine...Just let her live." He said with tears trickling down his face.
Erwin chuckled as he watched the green capes pick up Levi.
"Kill her.." he ordered.
Levi started screaming and kicking trying to break free. Isabel and Farlon started to do the same thing.
"That wasn't part of deal! No (y/n)!!" He screamed.
"Levi!!" I screamed. I got up but was immediately was kicked down by Erwin. I screamed in pain as I landed on my side. Erwin snickered as he followed the soldiers that were taking away the ones I loved the most. Levi punched a solider and tried to run to me but was caught and got held again. He reached out his hand with tears streaming down his face. The gate opened as they walked through.
"(Y/n)!!!" He yelled once more before the gates closed.
"Levi!!" I screamed but it was not use. He was gone. Gone forever.
I looked up at the green cape pointing the gun at me. Ready to shoot me and end my life.

Levi's POV
I watched the horror of losing (y/n) just like that. I tried to fight back but it was no use. I felt another tear roll down my face. Then I heard it.
The sound of the gun that just killed the one I loved the most. I was sure that she was,

Your POV
I managed to get out of the ropes that tied my hands together. I grabbed the gun and shot the green cape. He fell to the ground with a bullet hole right through his chest. There was only one of them. One of them to get the job done. To kill me. I slowly started walking away before I fell from loss of blood and loss of love. I slowly closed my eyes when I heard voices.
"Hurry up Mikasa! You grab her left side and I'll grab her left."
I remember that voice.
It was Eren and her sister Mikasa.

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