Part One: Chapter 5

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Dave got up slowly, he realized it had been a while since he fell asleep, the sun was already high in the sky. He got up and looked to the bed Karkat was in, he was gone. Dave assumed he had already gotten up, and went down to the living room. Feferi, Sollux, and Aradia were all down on the couch probably talking about relationship crap no one cares about.

"Hey um, do any of you guys know where Karkat went?"

Aradia nodded. " He went outside with John, I'm not sure what they were doing, most likely getting fresh air."

Dave nodded his thanks and went to the door. It was unlocked so they were still outside for sure. He looked around, no one. He could overhear a conversation on the right side of the house. He walked over and saw Karkat talking to John. Immediately Karkat saw Dave and ran to hug him. 


"Everyone thought you were dead I was so scared but you're not dude thank god."

Dave was the first to pull out of the hug. "Y-you heard about Rose and Kanaya, Didn't you..."


" I don't know if they could've survived long alone, especially around here. It's so flooded with undead, they'd be gone before daybreak..."

Karkat sighed. "I GUESS YOU'RE RIGHT..."

There was a moment of silence. Finally John spoke up.

"Well uh, I'll talk to the group about venturing on, okay? We have a long day ahead of us."

They both nodded and Egbert was on his way.


" I guess..."

Another moment of silence.

" Let's get inside and pack, like John said, we have a long day ahead of us." 

( Small chapter for a long period of time I know :p I've been doin stuff but I will continue when I can, thanks!~ ) 

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