Thanks Lizzyray! So we learnt that, 1: She's working very hard on her stories. 2: She's not very good with guessing games, and 3: She's completley awesome. She likes Princess and the Pea? No no, it's JERK and the pea, so appluad her for that.

No seriously, do it. AHAHA(: I love doing that!

Okay next is an interview with Typhannie!!!

Question 1: So, to start the interview, how are you?

Answer: I'm pretty bout you?

Comment 1(XDMWM): I'm great. School started. Bleh.

Comment 2(Typhannie): haha I know...Isn't it awful :P

Comment 3:(XDMWMX) ...Very :/

Question 2: ANYWAYS, what's your favorite song?

Answer: Uhmmmmmm I have NO idea...There are way too many good ones to possibly choose one

Question 3: Ok, what if a murderer sneaked into your room and demanded to know what's your favorite song or he'd like, murder the whole entire world if you didn't tell him?

Answer: I'd be like...."Uhmmmmm let me think for a moment....." and I'd stall...Most probably.

Comment 4(XDMWM): .......-________-

Comment 5(Typhannie): :)

Question 4: Do you know what question this is?

Answer: Uhmmmm no?

Comment 6(XDMWM): It was the 4th.

Comment 7(Typhannie): :P Okay then

Question 5: Team Kyran or Team Ian?

Answer: IAN FOR SURE! Even though I'd love Avery to end up destroying Ian in those sarcasm battles....Mwahahahaha >:) ....Hehe yea....

Comment 7(XDMWMX): You WOULD think that. Aha(:

Comment 8(Typhannie): Haha trueeeeee I would lol

Question 6: What's the best story you have read on Wattpad?(Well except for mine...OBVIOUSLY)(;

Answer: Well....I like a of my favorite undiscoveredish ones is "Trying to Cope" by BeccaM304 and another one is "I AM Chlose" by Cashmerepoison and there are LOADS more but I don't remember them all. OOOOH I also LOVEEEEE "Come Inside the Mind of Jack" By TypicalWordsmith.

Question 7: If someone did a science ecperiment at home and it turned out badly, what would you think of them as? A) Stupid. B) Stupid for even attempting it. Or C) Random

Answer: D) Depends on the situation

Comment 9(XDMWM): ....You're very neutral, I must say

Comment 10(Typhannie): Uhmm....Thanks?

Question 8: So how do you feel about Avery being adopted or something?

Answer: Hmm...I'd be okay with it cause Avery is awesome enough that she can be adopted and I'd still love her character

Question 9: Well what if she turned into a girly girl and stopped her rude remarks?

Answer: THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE! Just a warning: If that happens I'm NEVER gonna continue reading! You have been warned....>=(

Question 10: ...Okk...O: Haha, so on a different note, do you have anything else to share with the people are reading this?

Answer:  uhmm...check out my and XxDontmesswithmexX's stories cause they're so amazing...But not that known yet

Princess and the Pea? No no, it's JERK and the PeaWhere stories live. Discover now