Chapter [3]

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Hey there!

Thanks for reading!

Uhm, so maybe some of you are confused why Ian is being nice to Avery? All right, so it's because Ian has a lot of siblings, and he was once the baby of the family, you know? But then his sister, Scarlett, was born, and he wasn't the attention anymore.

He understands how Avery feels, because Avery was an only child, until her parents had a newborn baby. That's why she ran away; Because her parents hadn't paid much attention to her.

I hope that cleared it up!

If you still don't get it, go ahead and PM me, yeah? I'd be happy to explain it(:

Oh gosh, I had 5 pages last chapter! So proud of myself! YAY!

Uhm, I'm going to be more organized, cuz I'm writing everrything on my notebook(: I'm not even joking; I'm SERIOUSLY writing everything while listening to 3OH!3 Ahah<3


The goal is...Ermm...4 pages! No, 3. Or 2. Ahaha, I JUST found out that I'm on the humor list! AH! Thankssss guysss<3 


[Avery POV]

After Ian had cracked my back, I actually felt a lot better.

"You ever think about being chiropractor?" I ask, walking around slowly. Wow, he really did fix it.

"Nah, I just went with it. I saw someone doing it on tv or something." Ian says casually.

I stop walking, and stare at him.

"You realize that if you did it wrong, I may have had to go to hospital?" I ask. Ian rolls his eyes, and sighs.

"You women, always thinking what 'could've' happened. It didn't, so shut up about it."

I scoff.

"Whatever. Can you make dinner? I'm going to go unpack." I announce. Ian rolls his eyes, but nods.

Good boy.

[Thirty Minutes Later]

"Hey Ian." I say, dusting off my jacket from cobwebs.

While I was unpacking, I had tripped, and fell into a huge cobweb.

I was not happy, trust me. I hate spiders, they hate me. I kill them, they give me nightmares. One time, I had killed a huge spider, and I mean huge, and every time I had an itch, I thought it was the spider, coming back to haunt me.

...Don't ask. 

"Dinner's ready." Ian says, and lays a steak and a salad plate on the table.

Chef much?

"Wow..I didn't know you could cook..." I mutter, gazing at the good looking food.

"Yeah well, neither did I. Until I looked up a cookbook. Turns out, I can cook. Like many other things I can do oh so easily." Ian says, grinning.

"Don't kid yourself." I shoot back, grinning the same way he was.

His grin drops, and he glares at me while sitting down on the seat.

"Oh, by the way, your trash can is filled up." I inform Ian, cutting into the steak with my knife. I'm going to keep it by me, just in case you know...he threatens me with something else. I'm NOT crazy. Okay, you know what? When you get lost, left out in the rain, almost get run over by a bus, tell me and say you're not crazy. No, please do. I'd just love to hear it!

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