CHAPTER #7- Moving Forward

Start from the beginning

Jay noticed she wasn't as jumpy around them too. "Did the jerk-off go back to Canada?"

"No, he's still living with Grams. I've seen them here and there. One of the suppliers that my new job uses, is the same as what Grams flower shop uses too. But I've had my helmet on, so neither recognized me, when I rode past."

"Better that they don't know you're still here," Jay added.

"Yup, less drama and work interruptions for you guys," Nari joked. "See you tonight guys!"

After collecting the containers and repacking them, she slung the pack over her shoulder, put on the motorcycle helmet and left.

Simon D, Jay Park and Cha Cha Malone all watched her ride off on the motorcycle. Simon looked at them, "did that all just happen?"

Chase chuckled, "yeah man.... that's a keeper you got there."

"Nari seems really happy these days. It's nice seeing her smile all the time," Jay observed.

"She's got the same effect on us when she smiles, as you do Jay.... lights up the room," one of the office girls contributed.

"And that's why I rely on my charm, to make people happy, cause Jay steals all the thunder," Simon D joked.

"Back to work, if we want to make it to the club tonight," Chase pushed the two CEOs back in the direction of their offices.

Nari was beaming as she rode back home. The reaction the AOMG guys had given when discovering all that she'd accomplished, was the best reward ever. Life was getting better again and it'd been a long time coming. The financial advisor that the guys from AOMG had recommended, had secured her income for many years to come. But working part time was more to help inspire her and keep busy, than for money. Having lived conservatively for most of her life, Nari didn't splurge much. However, after Simon D had announced he'd be taking her out that night, she took a cab and went to buy some new clothes for the occasion and get her hair done.

They hadn't had much time together, a few dinners here and there. When he was performing in town, she would attend each time. But being alone, was limited and their romance had been put on hold. The last time they had kissed, was when she'd been with Jay Park to pick Simon D up from the airport, after an out of town show. He was so tired, they just took him home. With Nari's new found confidence, she wanted to see if he still was interested in her that way. She'd become more aware of Simon D, each time she saw him. Her art work was even beginning to reflect her desires.

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

A text came announcing Simon Dominic's imminent arrival and Nari was ready. Locking her door, she waited for the car to stop and then got in. "Right on time."

"I aim to please.... we're going to that restaurant I took you to the first time we met."

"The one with the table top bbq?" She asked.

"Yup, is that good with you?"

"Definitely and this time I know what not to eat," Nari giggled. "You chose the best things for me that night, my faith in you hasn't changed."

He gave her a side glance, unsure if she was hinting at something more or if he was reading too much into her words. Their relationship had progressed even slower than normal for him, and he wondered if she still liked him as much as when they'd shared some kisses. Nari hadn't needed him in the last few weeks. He'd been busy with work, but even so, he missed holding her in his arms.

"You're beautiful tonight, I love the waves in your hair. It looks so soft," Simon admired.

"Thanks, I wanted to spoil myself a little today." Nari smiled.

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