Yes Pastor

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Pastor Trevor loves to preach more than anything. He fed people the Word of God. At least his interpretation of it. For instance, he preaches to people that spouses must be faithful to each other to have a healthy and ever-lasting marriage. Yet, two beautiful women are sitting in the front row, listening to his preaches, not knowing that the other woman is also his wife. He preaches to never to commit adultery and yet he is standing before his two wives. He preaches to never lie and yet those same two women are being lied to every single day. He dares preaches to not covet your neighbor’s wife and yet he is scanning through the rows for more potential wives. He even dares to preach ‘thou shall not steal’ and yet here he goes collecting all of the church goers money, promising them that it would go to donation. Their money never once touched a donation. He feeds people the Word of the Lord but he forgets to feed himself some of the Word of the Lord since all he does is soak himself in a bucket of sins. The churchgoers think he is an amazing pastor and so do his wives but they have not seen his secrets. His wives still don’t know that he loves more than one spouse. His true colors are hiding behind closed doors and he has no intention of opening them to anyone. His wives only see some streak of his colors when he comes home to them.

            They live under the same roof, not knowing the other had shared his bed before. They never knew because he has made them live by one rule: obedience. Besides being a pastor, he was a great manipulator and he has his two wives manipulated beyond comprehension. All he had them do was obey him and all they could say was ‘Yes pastor’. A ‘no’ never slipped from their lips because they never wanted to be an outcome to his rage. He had them believe that if they dared say no to him, they would be tortured for it since it says in the bible that a wife must obey her husband.

            His two wives’ names were Isla and Isabel. Isla was a good woman who was down-to-earth and was a great people person. Her hair was thick with brown waves flowing like a current in the ocean. Her eyes were a magnetizing silver that made him extremely attracted to her. She believed and obeyed his every word. After all, he is a pastor. He had her believe that Isabel was his brother’s wife and that when he died, she became a widow and begged for him to let her live with him.

As for Isabel, she was the blonde who knew when to have fun and when to play wife. Her eyes were the color of the morning sky and as vibrant as the sun. She loved the way he took control as man of the household and she had no problem obeying his every word, even if it sounded absurd. The story he told Isabel about Isla was that she was a beggar out on the streets and he felt so sorry for her that he just had to bring her to his house and take care of her. He had told them to never mention the other’s situation to each other for fear of being embarrassed and ashamed. They understood and thought he was the kindest soul to ever step foot on this earth.

            How they got married was even more interesting. They got married in Vegas on the same day! In his opinion, he thought it was pretty simple. He had book their weddings on the same day in different rooms and made sure he got different priest to marry them. Before the wedding began, he had told Isabel to wait for him because he really had to go to the bathroom but in reality he was rushing to marry Isla. As soon as he married Isla, he placed her in a fancy car and told the chauffeur to take her to their honeymoon suite. When she asked why he wasn’t joining her, he explained to her that he volunteered to marry two couples that evening and so it might take a while before he comes to her. She believed his lie and waited for him at their suite.

            He ran back to Isabel and married her as well. He went to their honeymoon suite, which was right above Isla’s suite, and celebrated his marriage to Isabel. The irony about this situation was that Isla prayed for the couple above her to be happy. Once Isabel fell asleep, Pastor Trevor wrote, on a piece of paper, that he would be back before she knew it and left it on the dresser. He went down stairs to Isla and found her sleeping soundly. He didn’t want to disturb her so he took a shower and fell asleep right next to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2013 ⏰

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