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     I walked down the hall, along with my besties Emily and Chloe.  It was a Monday morning, and I felt as if the halls were full of zombies.  Freshmans dragged their feet on the floor.  Sophmores clumsily tripped over each other.  Juniors moaned and passed out just as they opened their lockers, falling headfirst in and having their books and their gym clothes fall on top of them.  Seniors collapsed onto the floor.  

     "What's happened to everybody?"  Emily asked.  Her boyfriend, Chad, came up to her.  "Hey Em-"  And then he collapsed onto her shoulder and started to snooze.  She pried him off of her, kissed his cheek, and kept walking as if nothing had happened.  

     "I don't know.  It's like everybody's dead."  Chloe's voice wavered spookily as she said the last word.  I rolled my eyes.  "Very funny."  "But seriously."  She said.

     We came up to our lockers, lined up next to each other.  I looked to my left and saw my Science Project partner, Marcel.  He's a huge nerd with a weird Jersey-British accent.  We sit right next to each other in science class, so we we're paired up.  He's really dorky and we only talk if its absolutely neccessary. 

     He accidentally bumped into me.  "Oop.  Sorry."  He pushed his glasses up closer to his nose.  "Its...fine."  I said.  An awkward silence passed between us.  Chloe and Emily giggled with each other.  I took my books out of my locker.  Marcel clumsily dropped his books onto his feet and a history textbook slammed into his head.  Pencils and pens fell all over him.  His glasses dropped to the ground.  As much as I wanted to look away and pretend he wasn't there, I didn't.  Instead, I mentally gave myself a facepalm, and started to help him.  I bent down to pick up his glasses for him when his hand touched mine.  I looked up at him.  For the first time I recognized the color of his eyes, a brilliant green.  I blinked and handed him his glasses.  We broke eye contact.  As I started to walk away in a mid trance, I wondered what the heck had just happened.

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