The boys kept on letting off rope until the girl was level with the chest of the centaur, then reached in for the ball. Much to everyone's disappointment, she came back with nothing - the ball was too deep. The boys brought her back down and she slipped back into her shoes and untied the rope.

"Enjoying ourselves, are we?" Millard spoke up, and I turned my head to look at his smirking face. "Of course, there are easier ways to get that ball, but they know they have an audience." I smiled a little then looked back outside to see another girl approaching the centaur.

She looked to be about my age, maybe a bit younger, and her hair was an absolute nest. I wouldn't have been surprised if a squirrel suddenly jumped out and scurried away, but alas, that didn't happen. The girl bent down and took the centaur topiary's tail of leaves, wrapping it around her arm. What was she doing? She grew concentrated and shut her eyes tightly, and then, as if by magic, the centaur's hand began to move. 

I began to walk closer to the window, and when I got as close as I could I rested my forehead against the glass, straining my eyes in hope of a better look. The centaur's green, leafy fingers wiggled a little, then its arm bent at the elbow to reach into its body and remove the ball. Then, it tossed the ball down to the children and returned to its original position. The girl with the wild hair, now wearing a look of pride, released its tail.

"No offense," Jacob started, and I turned away from the window to face him. "But what are you?"

Millard looked baffled at Jake's question. "Why, we're peculiar. Aren't you?" Jacob shrugged.

"Well, I think she is," he said, jerking his head in my direction. "I don't think I am, though."

"Hm, shame," Millard replied, a small frown on his face. He opened his mouth to say more, but Emma burst through the door.

"Why have you let them go?" she demanded, crossing her arms over her chest. She shook her head and let her hands fall to her sides before taking hold of Jacob and me again. "Never mind that. The headmistress will see you now."

We went through the door and walked through more rooms than I thought was possible. I tried my hardest to ignore the curious eyes watching as the four of us carried on, but it was hard to do that with such unwanted attention. At last, we reached a pretty sitting room with many windows letting in plenty of sunlight. There, in a high-backed chair, sat a sophisticated woman, knitting. She was dressed in all black and had her hair tied in a neat knot. I marveled at her hands - clothed in black lace gloves and working quickly yet expertly with the knitting needles. I knew almost instantly this was the Miss Peregrine we had come so far to see.

Emma pulled us along to stand in front of the woman and cleared her throat. Miss Peregrine looked up, knitting paused. "Good afternoon," she said simply, a ghost of a smile on her lips. "I suppose you, sir, are Jacob. I don't recognize you, though, miss." I smiled, nervous under her wise, watchful gaze.

"I'm Kallie Sanders, ma'am," I say, careful not to stutter. She smiled fully before Emma decided to speak.

"Wait, how do you know his-"

"My name is Headmistress Peregrine, though I am sure you have gathered as much already," she said, silencing Emma, "though seeing as neither of you are currently under my care, you may call me Miss Peregrine. I am pleased to finally meet you, Jacob." She then extended a hand in his direction for him to shake, then frowned when she noticed our bound hands. "What is the meaning of this, Miss Bloom? Untie our guests at once!"

"B-but Headmistress," Emma protested, "they're liars and sneaks and... I can't even imagine what else!" 

With a glare of pure malice at Jacob and I, she whispered something into Miss Peregrine's ear. Then, starting at both myself and Jacob, the older woman laughed. "What a tale, Miss Bloom! If these two were wights you would be long gone by now. Just look at him - how can you tell me that is not Abraham Portman's grandson?" I let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding. We were safe, finally.

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