Chapter 25

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--Chapter 25--

Harry and I walked down the hallway until he stopped in front of me. "You seem strained."

"That's because I am." I sighed, laying my head on the lockers next to me. I was extremely tired, and I'm sure that it was quite evident to tell.

"Don't be stressed, love. Everything will be okay."

My heart fluttered at his words as I felt my cheeks start to heat up. I brought my hand up to cover it, pushing the fact that I was blushing aside. I don't know how he takes this so well, I can't even handle it. How does he stay so calm when he knows that as soon as Joey's dad finds out who he is, he's going to be targeted and possibly killed?

"No it's not. Joey's dad is trying to hunt you down. I still can't even get over the fact that you drink blood. Plus, adding to that, my dad is away serving the country, which I'm really trying to stay cool and forget about without being the least bit worried. I haven't even heard from him. This is stressful." I exhaled, balancing myself back up from the locker and noticing that Harry lost his focus on something behind me.

I turned around to see Joey enter the hallway. He didn't have his crutches, just the cast on his foot as he tried to find a way to look cool while hobbling around as if he was handicapped. He glimpsed our direction, obviously taking a look at Harry and immediately looking displeased. I hate being in the middle of this.

I turned back towards Harry, seeing that his jaw was now tensed and still focussed on Joey. "Can you try not being too concerned with him?" I sighed, hoping that we can just somehow compromise.

His eyes finally adjusted themselves back on mine, happily seeming like he wasn't ready to kill anyone. "What? You're the one concerned. I just don't like him- period." He surrendered.

I turned quickly back towards Joey. He was looking at me before turning away- but I caught him. I can't help but to feel a bit sympathetic. "I don't think he knows about his dad, you know." I muttered, attempting to defend him. I know I sound like a moron, but we don't actually know if Joey's in with his dad or not.

"Yeah, you don't think. They're family members- there's a bigger chance that he knows. That's why he can't help other than to mad-dog me." He frowned.

"Stay here." I groaned, turning to walk to Joey and probably sort things out. I didn't expect to be doing this again.

I approached him, forming a stiff smile on my face. I know it was fake, but I couldn't find the right way to make it genuine. I'm just so irritated with the tension between him and Harry. "Hey, you're walking around without crutches. I guess that's a good sign." I barked up a conversation.

His face became serious, yet sincere. I know that he was upset. "So, what? You two are going out now?"


"No, I understand. You know that I was right though. Have fun." He smiled sarcastically, turning around and avoiding absolutely all means in trying to hear me out. Well that was a great way to restart our fucked-up friendship.

I turned back to Harry's direction, smart enough to know that he was eavesdropping on the short poorly failed conversation.

"He has nothing against me, right?" Harry rose an eyebrow.

"Harry, he's just upset." I crossed my arms, unsuccessfully trying to defend Joey somehow. It's impossible keeping positive of him knowing that he has something huge against Harry.

"He doesn't need to be. He just plainly hates me. He's ruining your friendship because he wants to. If he cared about you, he would address the problem with me, possibly by stabbing me with a wooden stick or poisoning me with vervain. Anything, other than getting upset with you for no reason." He huffed, his eyebrows forming an angry expression on his face. I guess he's right.

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