Rodrik Rosemore

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"Talia, what's happening?" Elaena ran towards her sister who was stood outside of their mother's chambers.

"I don't know, no one will tell me and they won't let me in either!"

"I wanted to wait till you were both together." Septa Olenna spoke, breathing heavily after running behind Elaena. "Your mother's child is entering the world. The babe is coming."

Both of the girls' eyes glistened and they let out a large sigh of relief.

"I thought something terrible had happened..." Talia said, tears still in her eyes. Elaena took one look at her before pulling her in to her arms.

"I'm so sorry for shouting at you earlier, I don't care whether you would rather sword fight than sew. You are my sister!"

Suddenly a loud scream rang from behind the door.

"Why can't we go in?!"

"My ladies, your mother has demanded you both wait out here. She doesn't want you to see any of it."

"We shall bear children of our own someday, we need to know what to expect."

"It sounds painful." Talia winced as another scream echoed off the castle walls.

"Your mother will prepare you for it when the time comes, my lady. For now you are still young, enjoy it whilst you can." Elaena thought back to the young bastard boy who had told her the same thing not long ago. Minutes turned into hours as the day turned into darkness, both of the girls had now fallen asleep on the bench outside their mother's chambers as Septa Olenna watched over them. Soon the door creaked open and stood before them was Lord Rosemore.

"Father!" Elaena exclaimed, waking up Talia.

"It's a boy." He beamed proudly. "It's a bloody boy!"

Both of the girls jumped up and Lucian stepped aside, allowing them in.

"Shh." Abella whispered, she lay wrapped up in bed with the newborn on her chest. "You don't want to wake your brother."

"Septa, spread the word. I want the bells to ring all through the night. We shall start the name day celebrations immediately for the new heir to Ironlyah, Rodrik Rosemore."

"Of course, my Lord!"

Later that evening

"Lady Abella couldn't be here tonight for she is resting, along with our child." Lord Rosemore announced proudly to his guests in the hall as Talia and Elaena stood either side of him. "It is a boy! My son who will hold up this house and keep your children safe when they are grown and I am gone. Rodrik Rosemore, first of his name, heir to Ironlyah!"

Cheers filled the entire room as everyone lifted up their wine cups to honour the little Lord.

"Now, let's celebrate!" He bellowed as the cheers continued and the music began.

"I must offer you my congratulations, Lord Rosemore." Ned Stark approached them. "Might I have a word?"

Lucian nodded in response and kissed both of his daughters on the head before walking off with Ned Stark.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2016 ⏰

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