We Do Not Lie With Those Who Serve Us

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Elaena looked in to the mirror that sat upon her vanity. Parts of her dark brown hair were tied into braids and pulled away from her face, the rest hung in loose curls down her back. There was a soft knock on the door and as she stood up to answer it her pale blue dress fell neatly in to place.

"Lady Elaena."

It was Robb Stark and Jon Snow, they both bowed in her presence.

"My lords." She curtsied before them.

"Please my lady, I'm not a lord." Jon said quietly.

"My apologies, I wasn't sure how else to address you."

"Just call me Jon."

"Shall we go then?" Robb interrupted.

"Of course, my lord."

She closed the door to her chambers and led the boys down a hallway.

"Is there anywhere in particular you would like to see first? As my father explained last night, the Rosemores are very famous for our books and our library is unlike any other you may have seen. So, we could go there?"

"Lead the way, my lady."

They turned a few corners and continued through the castle.

"It's cold up here in Ironlyah." Jon shivered slightly.

"Not a lover of the cold, Jon Snow? My mother tells me Winterfell is in the north also, not far down Kingsroad from here. Surely you would be used to the cold?"

"Lady Stark came to Winterfell from house Tulley, she has never been used to the cold so the castle is always kept warm for her." He responded.

"Talia, what are you doing?" Elaena shrieked suddenly as they walked through the courtyard. The young girl was holding a wooden sword in her hand and stood opposite, was Aria Stark.

"We were just practicing." Aria snapped.

"This is no way for a lady to behave. What will others think?"

"I don't care what others think, I do not want to be a lady! Talia threw down the wooden sword and stormed off.

"Here, practice with me little sister..." Robb said, walking over to Aria and picking up the wooden sword.

Elaena was ashamed, she had caused a scene in front of the Starks and looked over at Jon for a reaction. He glanced up as he felt her gaze but looked away quickly.

"I'm such an idiot." She whispered.

"No, you're not. You just need to loosen up a little." He replied, honestly. "You're still young, we all are... One day you will be forced to marry a Lord you may not want to marry. Highborns like yourself tend not to marry for love, not if their parents have anything to say about it."

"You're lucky you're a bastard then." She said but quickly threw her hand over her mouth. "I'm so sorry..."

"It's okay." He looked disappointed. "Shall we continue on the to library?"

Elaena nodded as Jon called his brother over and they continued on through the courtyard. The walk was silent, neither of the three children knew what to say to each other and the longer the walk became, the more she began to dislike the boys and how awkward the situation was. They came to the large library door and it opened with a creak, the daylight shone through the large windows and candles illuminated the dark corners, it was definitely  Elaena's favourite part of Ironlayh.

"Wow." She heard Jon gasp at the sight before him, thousands of books lined the walls. She glanced at Robb for a reaction but there was nothing.

"Sansa." He suddenly spoke, making Elaena jump slightly. She followed Robb's gaze over to a small table on the far left hand side where the red haired girl sat holding a book. Elaena rolled her eyes, forgetting that Sansa would be in the library, she now had another Stark child to try and engage a conversation with. Both of the boys walked over to their sister and Elaena hesitated but soon followed, feeling obliged to do so.

"What are you reading, sister?" Robb asked, sitting down opposite her.

"A love story."

Robb rolled his eyes and chuckled. "You and your love stories."

"There's fighting in this one too, you may actually like it!"

"Really? What's it called?"

"Forbidden Love."

"That's my favourite book!" Both Jon and Elaena exclaimed, quickly looking over at each other afterwards.  Jon's mouth cornered in to a gentle smile but their gaze was soon broken by Robb's sniggers.

"Jon Snow, the bastard who reads love stories." Jon snapped a fierce look over to his half brother who sat chuckling in his seat. "Come on then, brother. Tell me what it's all about."

"It's about a Lord, and a girl who's a healer. They meet on the battlefield and fall in love, but of course she is not a highborn and it is forbidden so they must keep it a secret."

"Like that would ever happen." Robb sneered.

"It could do." Elaena said quietly, although louder than she intended.

"Apologies my lady, but as highborns we do not lie with those who serve us. One day I will marry a lady and you, will marry a lord. Jon however..." He said, looking over at the bastard with the curly black hair and a frown on his face. "...Can marry whoever he wants because it won't change a thing. Unless he was legitimised, which I don't see happening, the children he fathers will also be bastards, they will inherit no lands and hold no titles."

Jon opened his mouth to fight back but was soon interrupted by the large library door opening suddenly.

"My lady, you must come quickly!" It was Septa Olenna. "Where is your sister?!"

"I-I don't know. What's wrong?" Elaena replied, nervously.

"Apologies my lord, my lady..." She curtsied, only just noticing the Stark children.

"Septa, what is the matter?!"

"It's your mother, my lady!"

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