"Quite eager to spend time with me, are you?" he let out what Elizabeth thought was a laugh, but it was only a conceited breath of air.

"I thought you needed these spells, but if you don't, I suppose I can just stay here," she goaded.

"I don't know why you're making such a commotion out of this," he rolled his eyes. "As long as we are together, we won't get in trouble."

"Oh," she realized her stupidity. "I thought it was only for going to meals."

"No, just come down here when everyone else has fallen asleep," Tom spoke quietly, but still forcefully.

She nodded and began walking away, when he called her back.

"Maryn," he whispered and she turned back around. "I-er, is your head feeling better?"

"Yes, quite," she said coldly, nearly forgetting what had happened.

Tom looked as if he'd wanted to apologize, but didn't know how. He only walked past her, sitting down with his peers again. Elizabeth walked down the stairs, getting ready to complain about how infuriating Tom was, but all of the girls were in a deep sleep, with the exception of Matilda rolling over in her bed. No lamps were lit, causing the room to be quite dark.

Elizabeth sighed and didn't even bother to undress, for tonight would be another sleepless night. She figured she'd go back to Tom in an hour and see if there were still people there. He would probably find a way to make them leave. She rolled onto her side, the mattress creaking underneath her. Elizabeth thought of Grindelwald. What if he did invade the castle? But why here? Maybe since Dippet and Dumbledore were powerful wizards.

The sound of doors closing echoed to their room. She decided it would be best to go down sooner than later. Elizabeth put her shoes back on and quietly slipped out the door. Just as she'd suspected, the Common Room was empty, except for Tom. He stood by the door, quite anxiously.

"Are you ready?" he mumbled, already opening the door.

She nodded and followed him out the door. Elizabeth made sure to stay by his side. "Tom, are you scared?" she asked, soon regretting it after she'd asked it.

"About what?"

"Grindelwald," she whispered.

He scoffed. "You honestly think I'm afraid of another person?" He made her constantly feel like an idiot and she hated it.

"No, I just-,"

"You don't think highly of me?" he interrupted.

"Of course not...I just thought...," Elizabeth trailed off, wishing she hadn't said anything.

He raised his eyebrow, waiting for her response.

"Never mind," she mumbled, looking off at the ground.

Elizabeth knew he was annoyed with her, but didn't want him to make her feel stupid. They kept walking down the dark corridor. She hoped they'd reach that secret room quickly. Just as they were about to turn the last corner, a smooth voice startled them. Well, startled Elizabeth. Tom turned around, absent minded.

Turned - Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now