Bad news

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Theo Raeken was bad news. Everyone knew this, and for that reason alone, most people stayed away from him. But not you. You were, as cliche as it may sound, drawn to him. You couldn't quite explain it, but there was something about him that just captured your attention.
Maybe it was the fact that he was like an unsolved mystery, and you felt the need to solve him. Or maybe it was just the fact that he was a bad guy, and for whatever reason, you found that insanely attractive.
It certainly didn't help that he flirted with you every chance he got. Or that he sat next to you in nearly every class you had together. You weren't complaining, of course. You relished the attention, and you didn't bother to hide your obvious attraction towards him, despite the fact that your friends weren't too keen about it.
You developed a sort of friends with benefits relationship with Theo, and this was taken to a whole new level when you cornered him after school one afternoon. It had not been a very good day for you. Everything that could ever possibly go wrong had gone wrong, and you needed a distraction. Theo just so happened to be that distraction
"Good afternoon, Theo," you breathily spoke to the boy, draping your body against the locker beside his. He flashed you a rather gorgeous smile, eyes shimmering.
"Hey princess."
"Uh...are you busy right now?"
"Now? Not at all. Why?"
"Well...look, I'm just gonna get to the point," you told him, "today has been a shit day. I spilled hot coffee down my front, I missed lunch, I failed a test, and one of my teachers yelled at me for something I didn't even do."
Theo listened intently, wondering why you were spilling all this on him. He didn't mind, though. "That does sound like a shitty day. Why're you telling me?"
You shrugged innocently, fingers playing with a button on his jacket. "I need a distraction."
"So, I'm your distraction, then?" He had a feeling he new where this was headed.
"You could say that."
Just to make sure that his suspicions were correct, he leaned forward, so close you could feel his body heat. "Well, what exactly do you want, princess?" He inquired, raising an eyebrow.
Squaring your shoulders, you pressed your chest to his. "I want you to drag me into an empty classroom and fuck me until I can't walk."
For a moment, he was taken aback, for he hadn't expected you to suggest it so boldly. But he soon recovered, moving away from you and placing a hand against your spine. He was silent as he lead you down the almost empty hall, both of you stopping outside an vacant classroom.
Theo slid the door open, motioning for you to step in first. "Ladies first," he mused, and you rolled your eyes at his chivalry before stepping into the room. He closed and locked the door behind you, and he barely had a chance to turn around before you grabbed the collar of his jacket, pulling him flush against you.
You knew you didn't have much time, for you had to meet your friends soon for a study session in the library. But honestly, you were too caught up in the moment to care. You just wanted a good fuck.
Your lips met in a frenzy of desperation and need. There was nothing gentle or sweet about it. You wanted each other right now. The backs of your thighs hit the edge of the desk behind you, and you hurriedly moved to sit atop the surface, Theo stepping forward to stand between your legs.
You hooked your legs around his waist, reconnecting your lips with his own. His hands found their way to your hips, holding tightly to you as if they were always meant to. You opened your mouth against his, letting his tongue delve within. You needed to taste him, you needed the kiss to be open and raw.
As if on cue, you finally broke apart at the same time, both moving to discard pieces of clothing. Your top was tossed aside, along with your pants. Much to your dismay, Theo didn't remove anything but his jacket, his t-shirt and jeans staying put.
You leaned over as if to kiss him again, reaching down for his belt buckle, but before you could, he was kneeling down, fingers hooking onto the band of your underwear before sliding the fabric down your legs, folding it and sliding it into his back pocket.
"Gotta taste you first, princess," he hummed, and your eyes widened, realization flooding your senses. He was going to eat you out. Then his head was between your legs faster than you could utter 'yes please'.
For a moment, all you could feel was his cool breath fanning over your center, and just as you were about to urge him to actually do something, his tongue was already connected to you, trailing a stripe along your folds.
You sighed out, already relaxing back against the desk, propped onto your elbows. It was evident that he most certainly knew what he was doing as his lips wrapped around your clit, sucking gently as if to see what your reaction would be.
Your body jolted slightly, hips lifting. His hands were instantly at your pelvis, fingers splaying out in order to keep you still as he worked. At this, you rolled your head back, a groan rumbling within your chest.
Your pulse had picked up considerably, racing beneath your skin. Theo's ears picked up on the sound, satisfaction warming his cheeks as he knew that he was the cause of your quickened heart rate.
He slid one hand from your hip, letting his fingers dance across your skin as he brought his hand down to assist his mouth. His tongue swirled around your clit, and suddenly, two of his fingers were inside you, pulling a choked gasp from your lips.
He curled his fingers within you, managing to locate just the right spot, the spot that could make stars form behind your eyes and fire lick at your insides. You instinctively reached down, threading your fingers through his beautiful, dark hair.
His pace didn't slow down. In fact, he went even faster, his fingers delving deeply into you. You were already soaking wet, his movements arousing you more than you cared to admit. You glanced down at him, only to be met with eyes that glimmered like the ocean during sunset.
You watched intently as he flicked his tongue against your clit. Your body was trembling, completely falling apart under his influence. "Oh god," you hissed, fingers tugging firmly at his hair, "don't stop."
He only smirked against your center, knowing that soon he'd ignore your words and stop. But for right now, he wanted you to think that getting what you wanted was simple. So, he proceeded to move his fingers more quickly, his mouth attending to your clit in a way that was driving you absolutely insane.
Your thighs were quivering, heat blossoming somewhere deep within you. The sound of your dampness was unmistakable, and it only fueled your desire even more. "Fuck, fuck, fuck," you whined, rocking your hips in order to catch more friction. You needed more.
But just as your chest began to heave and your toes curl, Theo leaned back, sliding his fingers out of you. Your eyes, which had been previously closed, snapped open, and you looked at him, annoyed that he'd stopped.
You watched, fighting to hold back a whine, as he took the fingers that had previously been inside you into his mouth. He sucked your essence from his skin, eyelids fluttering as he did so, acting as if he'd just tasted his favorite flavor of ice cream. It was quite possibly the sexiest thing you'd ever witnessed.
"You taste incredibly good, princess," he remarked, voice raspy. You nearly died right on the spot.
"Yeah?" You replied, eyebrows raised.
"So good. But you know what would be even better than tasting you on my lips?"
"If you turned around and let me fuck you over this desk."
A smile played against your lips as you leaned close to hip, mouth almost brushing against his own. "That sounds like a marvelous idea."
Then you're hopping off the desk, turning around before his palm pressed against your spine, pushing you down until your upper body was against the cool wood. His hand slid down to your ass, and a squeak left your throat as his hand came down with a light smack! against your skin.
If at all possible, it seemed to arouse you even more. You were half expecting him to do it again, but instead, he grasped both of your hips tightly holding you still before sliding into you roughly.
"Goddammit," you hissed through gritted teeth, hands coming out to hold tightly to the edges of the desk. He leaned over you, hips rocking slowly into you. A low rumble sounded within his chest, and he clenched his teeth, his arousal all too strong to hide.
His thrusts became deeper and he moved more quickly, your whole body jolting each time he rocked into you. He reached a hand up to unhook your bra, which still had yet to be removed. It was tossed to some unbeknownst place, and in a flash, one of his hands were at your chest, fingers already locating an erect nipple. He tugged at the delicate bud, eliciting a high pitched moan from you, which was music to his ears.
His thrusts are changing, going from fast, to slow, to deep and all over again. With the way he was moving, you were finding it incredibly hard not to let a scream break free from your chest. He was just so damn good at what he was doing, and you were wondering why you hadn't done this sooner.
By now, he removed his other hand from your hip, bringing it up to your neck, fingers closing around your throat as he roughly pulled your body back against him, his lips now by your ear. "Say my name, princess," he hummed in a voice sounded like black silk.
"Theo," you huffed, letting your eyes flutter shut as your knees almost gave out.
His teeth dragged over the shell of your ear. "You need to speak up."
Your head was now back against his chest, his hand still holding onto your neck. "Theo!" You yelped this time, your ears picking up on the satisfied growl that climbed from his throat.
"Good girl." That phrase alone was enough to make your knees buckle, and he removed his hand from your breast, moving to place his arm across your stomach, holding you steady. With your bodies pressed so close together, sweat began to shine on your skin. You were on fire, your skin hot to the touch, and Theo was only igniting your flame, making it burn hotter.
"Do you have any idea how wet you are right now?" he gasped, rocking even more deeply into you, hitting just the right angle. A squeal sounded from you, and your hands were clutching so tightly to the desk that your knuckles were white.
He wasn't kidding when he'd spoken of how wet you were, because sure enough, you began to feel moisture trailing down your inner thighs, courtesy of how well he was doing his job. Your whole body was trembling, your chest heaving.
Theo was fighting for control, and though you couldn't see his face from the position you were in, his eyes were beginning to shift into their amber shimmer. His grip around your throat tightened, constricting your airflow just a little bit. Not that you minded, for this was kind of something you'd fantasized about.
In an instant, his arm slid back from your stomach, and he let his hand snake down between your legs, his fingers effortlessly locating your sensitive nerve bundle. Your eyes nearly rolled back into your head at this, Theo's name falling from your lips unabashedly.
Your muscles began to clench around him, a sure sign that you were nearing your high. He grunted, chest heaving as he moved, his thrusts growing more rough and desperate. He could barely think straight, his mind clouded and his senses going into overload.
The feeling of you tightening around him was enough to nearly drive him insane, his orgasm so painfully close that he could barely stay in control. Meanwhile, you were unravelling beneath him, about to pass out from the pleasure that sparked through you, causing the deepest part of you to ache with the need to release.
"B-baby, I-I'm so close, don't - fuck! - s-stop."
Growls that sounded rather animalistic were coming from his throat, and he couldn't hold back anymore, he needed to let go. His movements stopped, and he let go of you, his body falling against yours as he came, your name falling from his lips.
You shuddered at the feeling of him throbbing within you, his essence filling you. But he didn't stop there, for he knew you still had yet to reach your high. He was moving again, fingers back at your almost-too-sensitive clit, hips rocking into you again.
"Oh f-fuck," you whispered, your chest pressing against the desk as he fucked you.
He placed his mouth against your ear, his tongue coming in contact with it. "Are you going to come for me, princess?"
You didn't answer, you were too preoccupied with the heat curling within your tummy, spreading down to your fingers and toes. He thrusted more roughly, dissatisfied with your silent answer. "I said, are you gonna come for me?"
"Y-yes, oh my god, yes."
He groaned, caging his bottom lip between his teeth, the unmistakable smell of insane arousal seemingly stuck in his nose permanently. Then you were sent over the edge, nearly screaming his name as you clenched around him, wetness spurting down your thighs from the intense orgasm.
Theo's eyes went wide, watching as your body shuddered beneath him, looking so vulnerable and absolutely flawless at the same time. As you came down from the intensity, you fought to catch your breath, broken whines sliding past your lips as you tried to calm your shaking limbs.
Slowly, Theo slid out of you, gently pulling you up with him. You turned to face him, and he smiled softly, reaching up to brush his thumb beneath against your cheek. "That was fucking amazing, princess," he said. He meant it, too.
You grinned cheekily. "Good, next time it'll be you pressed to a desk with me on top."
"I like the sound of that."
You casually glanced at the clock, but then did a double take, your eyes widening as you realized what time it was. "Oh shit, I was supposed to be at the library twenty minutes ago!" You huffed, pushing away from Theo as you scrambled to gather your clothes.
"Why's it such a big deal if you miss it?" Theo questioned, seemingly in no hurry to get dressed.
"Because," you replied, shimmying into your bra and underwear, "the last time I skipped a study sesh with my friends, I never heard the end of it."
"You sure you don't want me to come with?"
You shook your head, now fully dressed. "Nope, if they see us together, they'll totally know we just fucked, and I'd rather not get a lecture on how I shouldn't be sleeping with the enemy."
At this, Theo just smirked, finally moving to pull on his own clothing. "Well, the next time you want to sleep with the enemy, you know where to find me."
He pressed an open mouthed kiss to the side of your mouth before shrugging his jacket on. "I certainly do," you hummed, slinging your bookbag over your shoulder.
He unlocked the classroom door, looking out into the hall to make sure the coast was clear. "See you around, princess," he spoke, voice still raspy from all the moaning he'd done.
Your lips slowly curved into that of a smile. "Of course." Then you parted ways, with you rushing down the hall to the library. The voices of your pack members reached your ears as you rushed into the quiet library, shoving a hand through your hair before coming into the view of your friends.
"Hey, I'm so sorry I'm late!" You exclaimed, rushing to the table they were sitting at. You immediately began riffling through your bag, pulling out assigned homework. In this process, you didn't realize that everyone had gone silent, and that they were all staring at you.
When you looked up, you were taken aback by several pairs of eyes on you. Your face paled. "Wh-what?" You questioned before realization slammed into you. They could smell it. Scott, Malia and Liam, they could all smell the scent of hormones, the scent of Theo, the scent of sex.
Stiles, Lydia and Kira all could tell by the obvious bruises that graced your neck. In that moment, you wanted to melt into the floor. Of course, Stiles was the first to speak up, as usual. "Really? You slept with him?"
You narrowed your eyes at him. "That's nobody's business but my own," you grumbled. You half expected someone else to say something, but no one did, everyone opting to just go back to their studying. And frankly, you were relieved. You certainly didn't want to discuss your sex life with your friends, especially if they disapproved.
But you honestly didn't care. Just like you'd said earlier, you were sleeping with the enemy. And you had no intentions of stopping anytime soon.

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