Noire Raven Memorial Library

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In FellsBaile, at the intersection of hilltop and Desdemona lies the Noire Raven Memorial Library. Its a large building of red brick that stands out among the homes it sits amongst. In the lobby of the Library there is a pedestal with a plaque that reads Library Rules, and underneath in smaller lettering, found lying on the floor in the summer of 1995.  Above this plaques a slip of paper covered by a sheet of glass and bolted to the pedestal, written on the paper in faded blue crayon is the following... 

Dear Person, My Name is Ivy Regan, I want to go home but they locked the doors a while ago. I didn't mean to fall asleep, I really didn't, I want to go home. IT can't get me at home. I can hear it moving around downstairs looking for me, I got away but i want to go home and the doors are locked. Its going to find me again, it has no eyes but it saw me last time. Its got lots of arms and legs and moves like a spider. Its so fast and I hate spiders. Its climbing up the stairs now, I can hear the groaning noises it makes when it gets close. I want to go home. Im covered in black icky stuff that drips off the thing and it smells so bad that I want to puke. I hope it doesn't find me, it is going to get me. It now standing on the other side of the desk, waiting for me to come out. I can hear it. Mammy, i love you okay, give carrie a hug for me. If Daddy comes back tell him how mad that i am at him for missing my party. Find someone to walk Dexter for the Wilkshire's, he's just a puppy so he can't walk himself yet. I think i can make it if I run, Im a really fast runner. I love you Mammy, little carrie too. 

Ivy Regan hasn't spoken in a while since she was found huddled in a trash can. Due to many disappearances , it is advised that patrons don't stay in the library after closing hours.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2016 ⏰

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