New Story

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     All 12 of the Zodiacs go to Shrew High, but they aren't friends. Well- most of them. When they all go on a over night "field trip," all 12 of them get transferred to a forest, with nothing on why and how they are there. Aries, Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Gemini, and Taurus have to team up together and work together on how to survive and get out, or fail and be stuck in the middle of the forest forever. They all have to go through a series of trials to "escape." Will they survive?

     Hello everyone! This is my third on Wattpad! I hope you guys have enjoyed my other two books, (if you've read them) and hopefully you will also enjoy this one!

     The idea for this story recently generated from my mind when I became interested in Zodiac Signs. (P.S my sign is Cancer :3)

I hope you all will enjoy reading, and vote/comment!

WAIT! Before you turn the page, I wouldn't like you all to know; one, that NONE OF THESE CHAPTERS ARE EDITED. So please be aware that their may be some grammar mistakes and unclearness. All chapters will be edited when finished.

     Two; None of these chapters are based in real world people. If any looks and descriptions look like someone, these were all created by the authors imagination, and not to be specific to one person.

Thank you for reading, and press on!

Zodiac TrialsWhere stories live. Discover now