Somebody else

52 2 2

By the 1975 is a gr8 song

Y'all shld go and buy iliwysfyasbysuoi
On iTunes

Lol no body will understand this

I feel like listening to moody playlists and waiting for it to rain

Story time:

I was walking in the kitchen earlier and I was trying to find food (as u do) and I open the cupboard and all of sudden my pain of a brother jumps up out of nowhere and I growled at him but I got a kitkat so it's ok :)

Also why do Americans call Autumn, Fall?

Like cause the leaves fall?

Our Au - tumble down ;)

Oh god I'm terrible

I sound like a certain person who is gr8 at dad jokes

Where am I even going with this I'm so bored

Ok I'm going to end it here

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