Chapter Twelve

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I'll Stand By You - Glee version

We were thrown in the thieves hole and locked in. I begged them to send for my husband and told them that they were making a mistake but they ignored me. After they had left Geillis tried to get me to talk to her but I was in no mood to talk so I ignored her. We sat there for who knows how long until we heard footsteps approach from above then the gate was lifted and we were pulled out of the hole and taken into a courtroom and lead to a podium. We stood there for awhile as people who had witnessed Geillis use unorthodox methods on her patients and people who say I was an accomplice. I was furious when I saw Laoghaire testify against me.I began to yell at her saying she was lying.

"You are to be silent until spoken too, give her fifty lashes." He said. One of the guards grabbed me and took me over to one of the post, he turned me around so I was facing the post. I tried to struggle when I felt him try to rip my dress but only managed to anger the guard. He ripped my dress and told two of the guards to hold my arms. I struggled more when I heard him undo his belt. The first hit hurt more then the first ten. I cried out and tried to escape their grips but they were to strong. All of a sudden I heard my name being shouted over the loud cheers and the next thing I know the men that held me were no longer there and I was now on the floor. I looked up to see Jamie standing with his back towards me, protecting me from them.

"If you want her you have to go through me." He said. We were surrounded and I knew we were doomed.

"This woman is no witch" Geillis said ripping the sleeve off her dress. There was a smallpox vaccine mark on her arm and that's when it hit me. Geillis was from the future. "See this, this is the devil's mark, I am the witch Claire had no part in it." She said as people started towards her. She looked at Jamie and I and mouthed run as she was picked up. Jamie helped me up and ran out the door while no one was looking. Jamie helped me onto his horse then got on in front of me. We rode until we were in the forest and away from the village. Jamie hadn't said a word as he help me off his horse and sat me down on a log to check my wounds.

"Tis going to scar." he said the sat down beside me.

"Thank you for saving me again." I said.

"I will always save you Sassenach, now for your sake and mine I need to know are you a witch?"

"Are you serious?"

"I have often seen the mark you have on your arm and thought nothing about it till I saw Geillis had one too. She called it the devil's mark." He said. I knew I had to tell him the truth now so I took a deep breath and began to talk.

"I'm not a witch but when I tell you this you might think I am. I know about the Jacobites, the Bonny Prince and the doomed cause and I know what is going to happen to the Scots, I know this because I'm from the future." I said watching his facial expressions, he showed no emotion he just stared at me. "I was born on October 20, 1918 that's two hundred years from now. You must think I'm mad."

"Nay, I don't think you are mad I believe you Sassenach." He said "Can you tell me more?" I nodded and began to tell him my story every single detail of it then I told him about what happens to the Scots and Culloden. When I was done I felt so relieved and free from this secret. Jamie seemed to have accepted this and I sighed in relief. After that he gave me a shawl to cover my back from the wind, then helped me get on his horse. He got up behind me and we rode off. I hadn't realize how exhausted I was as I began to fall a sleep with my head against Jamie's back

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