Time of Power Chapter 2

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When Adam woke-up the next morning, it was raining and the horses were skittish because of the extreme thunder and th blinding lightning. Adam quietly pulled on some clothes and ran down the stairs and out to the stables to calm them down. They were all soon back to normal but still bucked when lightning struck.

When Adam cam back inside he saw that Sarah had been woken by the sounds of the storm, too, and she was still tired. So, he then made three cup of hot chocolate for her, Eric, and one for himself, and took them back to her and Eric's room because he knew that if Sarah was up than Eric was up as well. When he got into the room Adam sat with Sarah on her bed and gave Eric his hot chocolate and told them the story of why the trees sing.

"... and when you listen close enough, you can still hear the song of the princess who ran from her destiny." Adam whisper as he tucked Sarah back under her covers. The twins always fell asleep during that story and Adam always told it when a bad storm was going o outside. Adam grabbed the empty hot chocolate mugs and went downstairs to clean them out.

That was when Anney decided it was time to get ready for the day and start to make breakfast. She walked down to see if the children had awoken and sure enough she saw Adam at the sink. She knew that the twins woke up because even when Adam was little and there was storm, he would go outside and calm the horses down and then he would make sure that the twin were okay.

"Adam, are the twins asleep and are the horses okay?" Anney asked, getting out her egg basket and walking to the back door.

"They are fine and the twins are already put back to sleep. They were up but they were still pretty sleepy so I told them their favorite story and they fell back to sleep," said Adam as he put the mugs in the cabinet and started to go back to his room to change into some other clothes.

Anney went out side to get some eggs from the hen house by the stable. When she got in there the first thing she saw was a young lady in the back of the hen house. The girl looked about sixteen and was terrified. She had short choppy brown hair and wore a dirty blue dress. Anney walked up to the girl and held out her to see if the girl would take it.

"Don't be scared. I won't hurt you," Anney said as the girl slowly got up and took Anney's waiting hand. They walk out of the hen house and into the rain. As they walked into the house, Adam was walking into the kitchen. When Adam noticed the young lady with Anney, he went right up to Anney and told her that they should come in the living room and sit down.

"I'm Anney and this my nephew, Adam. Who are you?" Anney looked at the girl trying to get her to talked. They had been sitting there for about twenty minutes.

"I'm... Uh... I don't remember." said the young lady.

"Well then we should get you out of the wet clothes before you ketch cold," Anney said getting up from the couch and show the young lady to the guest room and giving her a new dress.

When they walked back down into the kitchen, they smelled ham and cheese omelets and French toast, that Adam was making. Sarah obviously smelled the food because she came down the stairs holding Eric's hand, who was still looking very sleepy. Then Eron came down and walked over to the table and plopped down in his chair, looking very curiously at the young lady standing by Anney.

"Honey, who is that girl standing right beside you?" asked Eron.

"Oh... she was in the hen house and she doesn't remember who she is. Adam, is breakfast ready?" asked Anney.

"Yes, everyone can take a seat and I will bring the food to the table. Sarah, can you set the table" asked Adam, getting out the plates and handing them to Sarah. She then went to the table as everyone else sat in their usual seats. When Adam came in, Anney was trying to get the young girl to speak.

"Honey, you have got to tells what happened to you or we can't help you," Anney said looking at the girl that was still not really wanting to talk.


tell me what you think of what i have wrote so far.


Delani STRUB

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