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"I loved, I loved and I lost you
And it hurts like hell"

Em's POV

When I woke up I try standing up but two strong arms are wrapped around me, it's been six months since we started dating and I feel quite lucky.
- Dylan- I whisper- Dylan wake up
- 5 more minutes- he pushes me back to the bed and I curl next to him placing one hand in his chest.
- you know Mahogany is waiting for me in the cafe- I say- and if my foster family finds out you climbed all the way up here they will probably kill you
- okay go- he says, I laugh and peck his lips- baby?
- what?- I say dressing up.
- have a nice day- he says closing his eyes again.
I giggle at him, he looks like a toddler when he's sleepy.
- good morning Mahogany- I say entering the cafe.
- I got you coffee- she says- now tell me about that dreamy life with your Prince Charming.
- oh, he's so sweet yesterday he brought me pizza to bed- I say- and I was in my house, he climbed up my window to eat pizza!! And we sleept together, just sleep.
- oh, I thought you too had a sexy night- she says winking.
- oh no, I'm a virgin and he accepts that I'm not ready yet- I say blushing.
We continue talking and talking, working too of course, we serve the best coffee, clean a lot and we also started baking brownies, cookies, little cakes, we do a lot of stuff.

Jack J POV

- hello Nebraska!- I yelled in the mic.
The fans yelled excited, it feels nice to perform back home in Nebraska.
Jack and I performed, it was crazy and now it was time for the meet and greet.
- Johnson!- this girl jumps on me hugging me like crazy and I obviously hug her back.
When she jumps off of me I smile at her, but then my smile fades away as I see her face
- Em?- I say, my jaw tensing.
- what?- she says confused, I shake my head and close my eyes, when I open them back a blonde tiny little girl stands there confused.
- sorry, I... What's your name beautiful?- she smiles again with teary eyes.
- Jess, I been waiting so long to meet you- she says finally crying.
- oh beautiful- I say hugging her- don't cry, okay?
- yeah- she nods and I wipe her tears away.
My fans for me are the most important thing in this world, I love them and I will always have their back.
- Meet and Greet is over!- yells a man in a black suit.
Jack and I nod and we just walk away to our rooms.
- dude what happened with that blonde girl- Gilinsky asked.
- I... I confused her with Em, I mean... I saw her face but... She wasn't there
- you still love her huh?- says Gilinsky, I sit in my bed and run a hand through my hair.
- yeah, I can't imagine the day I won't- I say.
- how do you know you love her?- asks Gilinsky sitting next to me.
- Because nothing makes sense without her- I whisper loud enough for Jack to hear.
- we have to go back- Jack says- it's been three months and you aren't over her yet
- I can't... I broke her... It will just confuse her- I say.
- sorry is your name Em?- I shake my head- then you can't talk for her
- but...
- I'm going to California, if you want to join you can- he says giving me a plane ticket- I also have a flat rented near Mahogany's cafe
- when did you plan all this?- I ask confused as fuck.
- dude, you've been three months like this- he says smiling- I've known you since kindergarten...
- same shirt same name I know- I say smiling- thanks

Dylan POV

- damn Em!- she jumps when she sees me scared.
- Dylan could you text me before coming so I know you are here and it's not... you know... Someone who wants to murder me- she says smiling, she's holding a knife in her hand and she's not wearing any t-shirt, just a black bra and high waisted black jeans with black heels.
- nice view babe- I say, she blushes and smiles.
- The chocolate exploded and my crop top looks like I had a huge trouble in the bathroom- she says I nod my head and smirk approaching her, I place my hands in her back wrapping her around me, feeling her warm skin in my hands, her hands go to my chest- and the heels?
- I'm going out with Mahogany- she says, I nod cause I trust her and I know she will never cheat on me.
- you look hot- I say.
- look lover boy I have twelve cupcakes in the oven- she says, she comes way closer biting my ear- Nutella cupcakes.
- you know we could have a little fun with nutella- I say covering my finger with nutella and rubbing it in his upper lip, she gasps as I kiss her sucking his upper lip and licking the nutella.
I lift her and place her over the table, she wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me back.
I place my hands in her butt and rub her lower back, by now I'm extremely horny.
- Dylan... Dylan not now, I'm not ready- She says.
- but baby- I wince.
- Dylan I'm not ready for that yet- she says, I nod and clench my jaw.
- well, my girl was baking some cupcakes wasn't her?- I say smiling.
- yeah she was but someone caused a little distraction- she says biting his lip hiding that pretty smile of hers.
- he must be such a heartless person to stop such a beautiful girl from baking nutella cupcakes- she laughs and nods.
- such an awful guy- she says.
- shut up- I say smiling, I tickle her and she laughs pushing me away, she kisses me and I stop tickling her.
The oven beeps and she leaves from my arms.
Damn, her butt man, I need to chill.


This hormonal teenagers always thinking about...? Pigeons?

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