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Guys so I change the kid who played Chazz okay it'll be now played by Jacob Tremblay anyways dedicated to Stalia17 for giving me the idea and of course for Mackdace201 for the name of the other little girl that you will soon discover played by Ava Kolker

So I was going to my locker when this happens

"Hey there sweet Bella nice shirt..not you listen to me good you keep your dirty hands on Chazz or I will tell everyone what your dear friend Colton did"Alia the schools mean girl said so this is what Colton did well of course I haven't known it yet but oh yeah

"Did you hear me?"she ask

"Hey step away from her!"a voice said wow I'm happy to hear that voice

"What yah gonna do Friar?"Alia ask

"One your gonna step away the kid or I'll break you"Carter said and she listens

"Two nobody messes with my friends"Carter said

"And three run now or I'll tell the principal what you did"Carter said and she run

"You okay?"Carter ask

"You know it's the first time I got a relief when I here you do something"I said she giggle the boys were behind us

We're at Topanga's and the babies are with us just playing around with Charlie mom and Aunt Riley are now took over this but they dint change the name tho dad, Uncle Zay, Uncle Charlie, and Uncle Farkle are having a boys day then this happens Alia comes in

"Well hello there have Colton told you his secret yet?"she ask we shook our heads

"Well Colton opened a golden box"she said

"You opened the box!"I said

"Look I dint mean to I was curious"he said

"Colton we told you not to open it cause it's not ours!"Bella said


We were walking around the forest when we saw a little box then we got it and brought it inside the tree house

"What do you think is in it?"Chazz ask

"I don't know"Bella said

"Let's open it!"Colton said

"No look it says don't open it or danger will come"I said

"Oh Carter don't worry I'm sure it's old"Colton said

"Don't open it it's not ours"I said and he nod

~flashback over~

At the fourth bay window

"Look there was nothing in it except a ring!"I said

"Wat kind of ring?"Carter ask

"A promise ring kinda like your necklace"I said

"What?"she asks

"Yeah it look exactly like that but it's in a heart shaped"I said and they all nod

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