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-10 Years Later-

Izzy’s POV

            “Run it again.” the director yelled out.

            I walk out the door and wait for my queue to enter again. I hear Jamie say, “Well, what if she really does know?” I push open the door and walk through. Jamie stands up and trips. We all burst into laughter. Even her.

            “Alright, let’s take a break.” We hear the director yell out to us.

            Jamie rights herself. I give her a hand up. “When are you heading out?”

            “Tonight, after shooting if we can ever get this scene right.” We’ve been working on this same scene for two hours. And it only lasts three minutes. But one of us messes up or the director doesn’t like it every time. And when the show is being called and English “Friends” we have to be perfect.

            “Your sister nervous?”

            “I’m sure she is.”

            The director came back. “Let’s just call it a night. First thing Monday morning we will finish this scene and move on.”

            “Alright, I need to go then. Our flight is in two and a half hours. And customs will probably be a nightmare. Have a good weekend.”

            “I will and say hi to Jason for me!”

I run out side and find Jason leaning against his car hood. I walk up and give him a long kiss. “Well, hello to you too.” Jason is a college friend of Rikki’s. We met five years ago at Austin and Paige’s wedding. He was Rikki’s “date” in the way he can with her so she wasn’t alone. That wedding was definitely an important for all of us.

Austin’s POV

            The doctor points to the screen. “See, there are two. From the looks of it, a boy and a girl. Congratulations.” He turns away and I plant a kiss on my lovely wife’s lips.

            “Two more.” She says with a smile.

            “Wait until Ethan finds out he is going to be a big brother to two a brother and a sister.”

            Ethan is our three year old son. He is so excited to be a big brother. He asks us every day when the baby is going to come. Even though we tell him that his sibling won’t be here for another few months. But now that we know we are having twins I am sure he will be asking even more.

Jake’s POV

            Tomorrow is the big day. The day things will never be the same after. And I can’t be more excited. The band keeps playing the new song I wrote and I sort of play and sing on autopilot. I am paying no attention.

            “Maybe we should call it a day.” I hear Matt say from behind me.

            “What? It’s only noon though.”

            “You are not even really here though.”

            “But we won’t be practicing for the next two weeks.”

            “We’ll be fine. Just go enjoy the day. It’s your last day of freedom.” Liz gets up and smacks the back of his head. “I mean the last day of boredom.” He looks up at his wife and she nods and smiles in approval.

            “Alright, I guess we can stop. I do want to get something before tomorrow.”

Rikki’s POV

            “Enjoy your summer.”

            “You too Ms. Bushman.” I smile as my students leave me class room for the last time this year. It is also the last time they will call me ‘Ms. Bushman.’ Next year I will have a new name. A name I love.

            I walk around the room and start taking down the poster I had hung around the room. I pull a chair up to a map of the US when the government acquired the Louisiana territory and stand up to get it off the wall.

            Two hands suddenly rest on my hips causing me to jump. I spin around and look down. I see the top of Jake’s head. I jump off the chair and kiss my fiancé’s lips.

            “Well hello.” He says when we part.


Now it actually is over and they got their happy ending! Thank you so much for reading and the song on the side is Blake Shelton’s God Gave Me You. I really hope you enjoyed reading this.

            (for the last time)-Siobhan

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