Little Kitsune Moyashi

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A/N: So I saw that there were literally no D. G-M Fanfictions like this so I decided to make one myself. Sure, it's not the best so don't read it if you don't like it, keh? It's that simple. I know Kanda might be a little OC--that's only because this is supposed to be an adorable Fanfiction where Kanda and Allen spend the day together (other than going on missions together yo). There were a few D. G-M Fanfictions where Allen is a Kitsune and stuff, but I wanted one where one of the two turned into a child with fox-like qualities and appearance.

Grammatical errors?: PROBABLY SO DON'T REVIEW SAYING YOU SAW SOME OR I'LL LITERALLY DECAPITATE YOU (I'm stressed out because of school already and it's not even two months in yet. I have tons of homework I could be doing right now, but I choose to use that time to work on my Fanfictions, okay? Keh).

Kanda: Read it or I'll use Mugen to decapitate you all.

Allen: Kanda--just--



Lavi: Yu, ya shouldn't be mean to the readers~!

Kanda: Baka Usagi. Do you have a death wish?

Lavi: /Hides behind Link

Me: Lavi he's not THAT scary, like seriously.

Kanda: What'd you say?

Me: Shut it, Kandy.

Kanda: /Throws Mugen at


Link: /Sighs

Disclaimer: Because I'm totally Katsura Hoshino and TOTALLY own D. G-M (SARCASM, DUH).

''I knew I did from that first moment we met. It was...not love at first sight exactly, but―familiarity. Like: oh, hello, it's you. It's going to be you.''

―Poems Porn, Facebook


A scream sounded from the Science department which Kanda was currently walking past. He simply ''che'd" and was about to proceed in making his way to his room until he heard Komui shout his name--this time it was his first name instead of his last, pissing him off. The samurai rolled his eyes, turned and began walking to the stupidly smart scientist, who was currently searching along with the rest of the department. But what? He didn't know nor did he care. Right when he was about to turn around he felt something latch itself onto his right leg, full of giggles.

Kanda looked down to see a boy about four or five--most likely four by the looks of it, burying his face into the leg so he couldn't get a good look at the kid's face. Komui continued his search which made Kanda huff loudly. The scientist stopped, looked over his shoulder before letting out a long sigh of relief.

''Good. You found him.''

Once Kanda looked closer at the kid nuzzling his leg he took notice of the pure white ears and the fluffy tail--especially the fact that he didn't have any clothes on. He spotted the odd arm the kid had, closely resembling Allen's left arm.

''Might as well tell you now than later. That's actually Allen, Kanda,'' Komui said. ''Timcanpy was helping Allen move some books around and ended up knocking over a few vials, then yeah--Allen kinda got turned into a child with fox ears and a tail to complete the set.''

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2016 ⏰

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