1. gold ever after: morning loves

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Just a one shot dedicated to Axel and Kendall from Dirty Gold  :)))). Hope you guys have missed them as much as I have.

I'll be doing a series of one shots called gold ever after which will chronicle the lives of Axel and Kendall from Dirty Gold.

Song - All of Me - John Legend

Kendall POV


I groaned. This was not the time for any sort of disturbance. I'd been up all night making certain changes to my manuscript because suddenly the plot felt all wrong. I'd gone to bed at two am and wasn't not ready to open my eyes any time soon. Ever since my writing career had launched through with the success of my second book, it had been a lot more than I anticipated. Still I wouldn't give it up for anything.

However, it was moments like these that made me wish that I had people around me that actually let me sleep.

"Baby." The same deep voice i'd normally have found endearing now sounded like nothing but a disturbance.

"Axel, if you don't let me sleep, I'm going to hit you with something very hard and painful." I said in faux calm.

He laughed in that gorgeously throaty way of his. I couldn't help but crack a smile at it -- effectively ruining my fake angry facade.

"Well suit yourself. I'll just tell William that his Daddy is too busy sleeping to come see him." Axel said in a falsely bored tone. My eyes opened immediately and I shot out of bed so fast, it was like I wasn't even tired in the first place. It was then I realized that there were whimpering sounds coming from the baby monitor beside us.

Oh. No wonder he'd been trying to wake me up.

I could faintly hear Axel laugh in our bedroom behind me but I was too focused on getting to the little green walled nursery.

I opened the door and took a little peek inside "Hello little one."

"Ga." My son said happily in reply. At seven months he could utter a few made up phrases but for now I was glad he was still making some effort. He was standing, clutching the bars of his crib in order to do so.

I reached out and carried him under the armpits to my chest where he immediately grabbed my sleep shirt and put it in his mouth.

"No no, Daddy's shirt does not taste good. Trust me cotton isn't the tastiest condiment out there." I said gently using my finger to push it out of his mouth.

He whined a little but forgot all about it as soon as I let him cuddle into me.

"It's ok Will." I said kissing his little wisp of blonde hair. Most mornings if Axel woke up before me, he would check on William and change his diaper before letting me come in and have my own private time with our son. It was a thing we'd both become accustomed to. Axel understood that my need for intimacy with Will stretched a little further than usual and so allowed me that luxury.

"We should go meet Poppy shouldn't we?" I asked bouncing him on my hip after I'd changed his diapers and put him into a fresh onsie.

I took his long clueless look as a yes.

I continued to coo at him as we walked across the hallway to the main bedroom where Axel laid on the bed.

"Guess who's happy to see Poppy?" I said with a smile when William visible lightened up at the sight of his other father.

"Pa!" William shrieked stretching out for Axel. Axel carried William and held him against his chest "Hello little one."

There was nothing quite like the sight of him holding our son with looks of love and adoration on his face.

And also when he did it shirtless. Because I could shamelessly say that my husband was a DILF. And maybe I was a little pervert for admitting that the sight of him with our child being openly affectionate did things to me.

"How was he this morning?" Axel asked letting William grab one of his fingers.

"Very cooperative. Didn't even need to do the bumblebee thing for him to calm down." I replied.

William was a little fussy sometimes because he hated to stay still or focus on one thing at the time sometimes. I was worried that it may have been early signs of over hyperactivity, but Axel assured me that he was just being a baby by exploring everything around him.

We'd only have to worry about that when he was about three or older.

"Do you have to go to work early?" I asked Axel after taking a peek at the nightstand clock and seeing that it was already 8:13 A.M. Normally he'd be on his way to the office by 8 A.M.

"Not really. Already called Sylvie to say that I wasn't going to come in early. Good thing I don't have any serious work to do and my only meeting for the day is by 11." He kissed William's little hand making my heart flutter. "Wanted to spend time with my favorite boys for."

He'd fired his old secretary to my immense relief. She'd always been downright rude to me for no apparent reason. Axel decided that he'd had enough of her when she lost some files he was supposed to travel with on a business trip. Sylvie was much older and nicer. She had grandkids of her own and enjoyed watching William whenever he visited his Dad at the office. Plus she made killer brownies.

Not helping myself, I shuffled over to plant a kiss on his lips "Well Will and I appreciate it a lot."

"Maple." William piped up at his Poppy to show his appreciation. Axel groaned at our son's word while I just laughed. Maple was William's first word and he hadn't stopped saying it for quite a while. It annoyed Axel but there was only so much he could do.

"Well looks like we already know what's for breakfast." I said in a baby voice to Will who just laughed at me.

"Honestly I know that this is somehow your fault." Axel said with a serious look on his face.

I feigned innocence "How can you say that? I actually have no idea where he learnt that word from." Even though I totally knew where he learnt that word from.

"Pretend all you want, I'm going to find out what you did."

"Maple!"  He said again to the other exhaustion and delight of his Daddies.

And I honestly wouldn't have it any other way.

First one shot of the book. This is a bit short but I'm just testing it out. Can't believe how much I've missed these two. And who liked the entrance of baby William?  :)

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