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Trixie tagged me so now I gotta not be lazy and do work.

Trixie tagged me so now I gotta not be lazy and do work

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1. Colors by Halsey

2. Basketball or volleyball

3. Casting Crowns (I'll bet you all thirty bucks that nobody knows them)

4. Teen Wolf & GMW

5. All four Jurassic Park movies

6. Aqua

7. Anything with potatoes

8. Tea (I'm lame) or Coke (not drugs)

9. Mario Kart Wii lmao

10. I'll do that at the end

 I'll do that at the end

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1. Blue 5ever and always

2. Hamburgers

3. Snow

4. Piano

5. Dog (I'm allergic to cats)

6. Basketballllllllllllllll

7. Is nerdy an option?

8. I can't choose

for some reason it's not letting me tag anyone on here, so I'll do it in the comments.

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