I Believe A Congrats Is In Order

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Castiel gripped the hand of his fiance, Dean Winchester. "Darling, calm down." Dean blushed, pausing in his fidgeting. "I'm sorry but it's just...Derek's one of your closest friends. I'm scared that he won't like me." Castiel chuckled. "I find it adorable that you are frightened of someone younger than you." Dean was immediately offended. "I'm not 'frightened', I'm scared that..." Dean stopped talking, looking down at his feet. Castiel frowned, squeezing Dean's hand a little tighter. "If you are scared that Derek's opinion will change my mind, you are a fool Dean Winchester." Dean took his hand back, sticking his tongue out at Castiel.

Derek opened the door to find an older Castiel from when he was transformed but there was no denying it. "Cas!" He pulled the slightly shorter man into a tight hug. "Derek! Old friend, how I've missed you!" Castiel squealed as he hugged Derek just as tight. Dean stood off, feeling awkward. Stiles came up behind Derek, placing a hand on Derek's shoulder. "Why don't you come in?" Stiles suggested as he pulled Derek away. Derek grinned, wrapping an arm around Stiles. "Please, come in. Stiles is right. I'm forgetting my manners." Castiel and Dean walked in, hand in hand. The pack had dispersed, only Isaac and Scott sharing a love seat. "Cas, this is Isaac, Scott and the lovely young man by my side is Stiles." Stiles blushed, hiding his face in Derek's side. "Hey, how come we don't get such sweet introductions?" Isaac asked as Scott cuddled against him. Derek just smirked. "Because." He sat down in an armchair, Stiles in his lap. "Well, this is Dean Winchester, my fiance." Dean waved shyly, completely unlike himself. "Please sit." Stiles gestured to the sofa. Dean and Castiel sat down. Castiel cleared his throat. "So what appears to be the trouble?" Castiel asked, going straight to business. "Well, I am having stomach pains and I'm sore everywhere. Isaac has been throwing up and he's been aching too." Cas frowned. "May I please examine you two in a separate room?" Isaac and Stiles left their partners and led Cas to the master bedroom.

"So..." Dean muttered as he tapped his fingers together. "So, how did you end up meeting Cas?" Derek asked, leaning back into the chair. Dean smiled a little. "It's actually a funny story. I met Cas when my sister was horribly sick. I felt so embarrassed because my sister had this uncanny ability to cover anyone within a mile radius with vomit. We were both covered in her sickness. We were such a mess. And yet he looked me in the eye and told me I was adorable. I was standing in vomit and he told me I was cute!" Dean laughed a little as Derek and Scott chuckled. "So, how did you meet Isaac, Scott?" Dean asked, too terrified to even try and make small talk with Derek. Scott had a dreamy smile on his face. "Isaac was living with Derek after his father died. I was one of Derek's business advisers and I had never seen such a handsome man, so shy and sweet. He became more comfortable around other people as time went on. I asked him to accompany me to one of the balls Derek's family held and our romance blossomed after that."

Cas examined both shirtless men. "Well, I believe a congratulations is in order. Isaac, you seem to be about two and a half months pregnant. Stiles, you seem about one month pregnant. Shall we tell the fathers?"

Dean and Scott were talking, Derek just observing when he got a lap full of an energetic Stiles. The younger began to pepper kisses on his face. "What is the problem.." He paused to gently push Stiles away. "Cas?" Stiles hugged Derek's chest, giggling in happiness. Castiel smiled fondly at the sight of his friend and his husband. "Congratulations, Derek. Stiles is pregnant." Derek's mouth fell open. "Really?" He looked down at his husband and began to kiss him hard on the mouth. Stiles was laughing so it was difficult to have a passionate kiss. Castiel snickered at them and turned to the other couple. "Scott, Isaac is also pregnant. Congratulations." Scott's face was priceless, a mix of shock and awe. Isaac smiled softly as Scott began to rub his stomach. "I'm only two and a half months along." Scott beamed as he hugged Isaac. "Means nothing. I'm gonna be a father!!"

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